Saturday, November 14, 2020

I love you sweetheart
I hope you had a good day
I'm sorry I couldn't be there in person
Do you know that you're kind of adorable
Do you have that sense of yourself

I had a donut today
It was a Krispy Kreme donut
With pink icing and sprinkles
We went downstairs to the art supply
She bought gouache but I don't know why she bought gouache and she bought a bronze acrylic
And that one's my fault because she had a painting that I was asking her Don't you have a bronze Don't you have a bronze because I thought it needed bronze
somebody I missed too had brought them some Krispy Kreme donuts and Lucy was like they're for the art supply community and you're part of the art supply community now so I got a donut I was very excited
And we worked a little late and then I had to go to the grocery store and kind of restock for apocalypse
I mean I could have done it tomorrow but I just wanted to get it over with and I thought there'd be less people in there today they were quite a few people in there but I guess it wasn't too bad

I got to say I was under the impression that Burroughs were very small maybe they're not quite as small as I think they are
But I just have this image in my head of this like 7 and 1/2 ft tall guy kind of perched with his knees almost all the way up to his ears on this little burrow that's standing like maybe three feet off the ground and it just will not leave me

I wish they would just go ahead and let Biden start his transition in the regular appointed way
With whatever emails and offices and briefings are supposed to be allowed to him
It's starting to have kind of a government and exile feel to me that I don't like

The Texas legislature is looking at legalizing marijuana well actually they're looking at doing it again they keep kind of going around and around about it and they keep talking themselves out of it
But we all know it's just a matter of time before they say that is just a lot of money to walk away from let's just go ahead and legalize this s*** who cares most people want it and if we make it legal we can tax it and regulate it
I thought surely when they saw how much money Colorado was making they were going to do it but You know whatever but now they've got all the extra pressure from the pandemic and the unemployment and the you know apocalypse

But I just can't express to you
Just how much a little bit of that stress relief would be worth
From a variety of standpoints

I have to go to sleep it's very late
I was exhausted earlier and I fell asleep in the chair and then I fell asleep on the toilet peeing which seemed like an unlikely thing to do
but then I was watching and I got all caught up in it and I got my second wind and now I'm up all night so I'm getting back into a bad pattern of staying up all night even when I have to get up in the morning although I don't have to particularly get up in the morning tomorrow I have been staying up late this week and not getting enough sleep
And that 5 or 6 hours of sleep model is really not quite enough I know I seem to want to do it all the time and it's been a pattern my whole life You know if I get 5 or 6 hours of sleep I'm fine and sometimes I get like four hours of sleep or four and a half hours of sleep but three and a half hours of sleep not like very often but you know there's some theory that you don't get caught up that it doesn't work to be short sleep some nights and sleep over some other nights but nobody's ever explained why that's not okay so maybe it isn't but maybe it is maybe it's generally fine but you just thrive better if you get enough sleep every night I don't know when I get extra sleep sometimes I feel more tired and if I got less sleep and I've always had all these theories about it being to do with what part of the sleep cycle you wake up in but I don't really know I don't really have any expertise in it and the cat is howling for no really good reason sometimes I think he house because he just is saying please for the love of God go to bed I just fed him before I started dictating this and I think that I had said something about going to bed so probably that's what he wants and I really need to go to bed I'm not very coherent at this point

What is my favorite pie
I think my favorite pie is lemon meringue
I like key lime pie if I'm someplace where they make good key lime pie but to be honest with you I don't think I like key lime pie better than lemon meringue pie it's just you almost never see the lemon meringue pie anymore
I like apple pie apple pies fine you can't go wrong with apple pie it's not amazing but it's consistently good
I like cherry pie but to be honest with you I don't really like cherry pie that much I like fresh cherries a lot better than I like cherry pie so I would get it if I was going to a diner and I was going to have coffee and cherry pie and I would probably order it over apple pie and less I thought it was really good apple pie I would probably take a really good apple pie over cherry pie
Mostly because a good apple pie would be made with fresh apples and have a really nice crust and I have the impression which might not be accurate but I have the impression that cherry pie is not usually made with fresh cherries it's usually made with some kind of pre-made thing that you just pour in and that's never going to be better

I like pumpkin pie and sweet potato pie and pecan pie and mince pie all reasonably well I don't really love any of them but I like them in their contexts

I'm not crazy about strawberry or strawberry rhubarb pie in any capacity I would not order that if I was at someone's house and they had made it special and they were offering me a piece I would eat it to be polite but I'm just not into it

Oh I forgot it's possible that lemon chest pie is my favorite pie
Or buttermilk pie

I like peach pie but not as much as I like peach cobbler and I also like blackberry cobbler which I seem to be able to eat I'm uncertain whether I can only eat cooked blackberries and the Rollins make me sick or whether it's only raspberries that I have the problem with I've not had blackberries raw without raspberries so I don't really know

I like lemon cream pie and coconut cream pie but I don't like cream pies as much as meringue pies it's not like close it's not like oh they're pretty much interchangeable I really like the meringue and I'm kind of meh about the cream and I would not eat chocolate pie or any of those really rich gooey like I'm trying to think of names of some of them there's a whole slew of them Mississippi mud something something silk I don't like any of those rich gloopy pies
And thinking about fruit for some reason I feel a mild aversion to blueberries
I used to love blueberries I mean like I could sit and eat a whole container of blueberries and they've got a really high orach value
There's just something about them I don't really like now I still like blueberry muffins although that would have been my first choice of muffin but I mean I don't have an aversion to like a few blueberries baked into a baked good but blueberry is just not a flavor that I seem to have any desire for anymore it's kind of strange

So yeah lemon chess I think lemon chess well I don't know if I was someplace that had lemon chess and lemon meringue I would be stumped because I love both of those pies and it's so hard to find them I mean sometimes like if you're on the road or something sometimes you'll find to make these little pies that are like and they're made by some kind of folksy country
so sometimes you'll be on the road and you'll see those little tiny pies and they often have lemon chess or buttermilk and they pretty much always have pecan which I like but increasingly I don't because it's too sweet and too gloopy
They sometimes have lemon chests they never have lemon meringue sometimes if you're in a diner or dessert place that has a really big selection of pies sometimes they'll have one or the other of those but I'm not sure I've ever been any place that ever had both of them where you could pick between them

I just fell asleep again
there was something else I wanted to talk about now I almost forgot what it was pralines
When I was a kid you saw pralines around a lot more than I see him now
And there were two distinct kinds
There was one that had a texture that was a little bit more like a nut bark or nut brittle it was clear sugary syrup bas ed with pecans where you could kind of see through it it was kind of clear but not clear clear like transparent That's the word I'm looking for it was mostly transparent and it was kind of a brown color and I did not like those
and then there was another kind that was opaque that had a kind of a soft texture that was more granular melts in your mouthy than had pecans but maybe fewer pecans
And when I was growing up it was that granular melt in your mouth kind that I liked
And there seemed to just be the two different kinds but there didn't seem to be any sort of pattern as to who you would expect to have which kind
now the idea of either kind seems kind of gross to me seems like it would be so sweet that it would make my teeth hurt now maybe it would maybe I would just go right back to it because it was something that I enjoyed as a kid although I didn't have a very frequently

In fact it's really kind of strange
I don't really want chocolate either
Saltwater taffy
Japanese artificial grape hi chews I haven't had those in a while
I've been wanting some kind of hard candy I got jolly ranchers and I ate them all over the course of a week or so but they weren't exactly what I wanted
I think I wanted something with a little more complex flavor
Make a cough drop
Honey and lemon and some spices or something

At the store there were a couple of things I was trying to get that they were out of I mean like a big section just cleared out like you would expect for a hurricane or an emergency situation except they were kind of strange things to be cleared out
I wanted to get non-fat Greek yogurt and I usually just get plain because I don't need them to add a bunch of sugar to it but the plain was completely sold out so it's like well I could get vanilla and then I saw honey and I'm like well I mean honey is delicious and I would probably put honey in the yogurt anyway so let me try the honey but I tried it this evening and it is so sweet
I mean it's delicious Don't get me wrong
But I think it's normally about 100 calories of serving or 110 and it's 150 with the honey so and I think it's like 28 g of sugar and I don't know how many how much sugar you're supposed to have I guess it kind of depends but that just seems like a lot but it is tasty

I fell asleep again I got to go to bed this is ridiculous

I hope you have a really good day tomorrow I'm not sure how late I'm going to sleep but I'm going to try not to sleep too late
Good night sweetheart I love you very much 💋