Thursday, November 5, 2020

I need to go to sleep
I've been glued to the TV pretty much all day
I was hoping that we would know about Pennsylvania today
they sent me a letter in my correspondence inbox letting me know that I don't need to start giving them stuff until the 22nd of November
Which is after the point that my money should have run out unless they extend it through the end of the year because of covid
which is I think what they had said they were going to do but I don't know they said they'll let me know so they'll let me know
I don't like this late night crew on MSNBC
I find this woman very irritating
I guess she's just very opinionated
but I don't know she just comes across this so white cisgender upper middle class entitled
I like the combination of Joy and Rachel and what's her name Nicole is her name Nicole
Let me not be her name
Because they all have very different perspectives and personalities and they I don't know I feel as though one or the other of them is always bringing up an idea that the other ones haven't thought of that they then are like oh
And I really like that
I think it's her tone I don't like
But all that stuff I mentioned before is what her tone brings up in me
I can't quite believe that he told us basically that what he was going to do was tell all his people to vote on election day and then claim that all the male in votes were not legitimate votes I mean it's not a surprise that he's saying that he basically told us he was going to do that
But then he actually tried to do it
And he seems to just think that he can go to the supreme Court and say hey just declare me the winner
And one has to wonder what's going to happen
I mean he's going to lose and they just don't have anything so far that they can hang a case on
I mean they don't have hanging chads and whatnot and everybody has been you know following all the procedures and being transparent and you know live streaming the counting and you know I mean I think they're just going to have a really hard time finding a technicality that they can throw it out on and besides I mean in the stolen 2000 election what happened was they got them to stop the recount but I don't think that there's going to need to be recounts in order to decide who won you know

I mean I think they'll need to do a recount in Georgia because I think the Georgia is going to be a squeaker if they're going to use Georgia as a part of the 270 and I think they're planning to try to do a recount in Michigan was it Michigan I think it was but if Pennsylvania comes out as much ahead as it theoretically is going to then you know it's going to be like a 40,000 vote margin That's not going to be recount material unless they can show that there's some abnormality which they have been unable to do and they're going to be pretty hard pressed to do it because like I said they're having so much transparency and they've got so many people watching them count I just don't see how that's going to fly
I totally believe that the supreme Court would you know would give it to him if there was a way to give it to him but I don't see how they're going to do it because it's not going to be one state that's a small margin it's going to be a bunch of states and only a few of them are going to be by small margins now he might pull out Arizona Biden is ahead now but Trump might he might pick up Arizona but Nevada he's not going to pick up and it really doesn't look like he's going to pick up Pennsylvania and he might not pick up Arizona it's just not sure so I mean if he's got a couple of states that are close enough to have recounts well he can have recounts and the supreme Court can stop the recount but since he will be behind that won't help him and I just can't see any scenario where the supreme Court is going to say we have to throw out all these legitimate ballots because Trump wants to win you know I mean they could do that but it wouldn't really be in their best interest because it would be super corrupt and against the law and their supreme Court justices do they really want to appear to be illegitimate puppets of some dumbass who's only going to be even if they get him reelected only going to be in office for four more years and then they've got the whole rest of their careers to look illegitimate for that
If you were a stupid corrupt person who had gotten yourself nominated to the supreme Court or maybe not even maybe not even corrupt but just you got yourself appointed to the supreme Court when you didn't really have enough experience and credentials to really be qualified for it You got yourself appointed because you had a particular political stance and perhaps you were willing to play ball you know
Would it really be in your interest to delegitimize yourself that way I mean I know he wants everybody to have that kind of loyalty to him but he wouldn't have that kind of loyalty to him you know so why should they
so I mean I just don't think he has things lined up in such a way that that's going to work for him
I mean I might be wrong I'm certainly not going to rule out the possibility that people are worse than I imagine them to be but even if you're just looking at it from their self-interest I mean there's not going to be a way for them to do it and maintain any sort of credibility and in the 2000 election there was I mean we can argue about whether it really was legitimate but at least it was cover you know and I just don't think that there's going to be that this time

So if he gets ousted
or well that's dramatic if he if he loses like okay say Pennsylvania is called for him no for Biden tomorrow sometime and Fox news which seems determined to kind of f*** him over now calls it for Biden because they've already called Arizona which nobody else has and Arizona might not even it's close so if Fox news calls it for him tomorrow for Biden I mean and says to all the the MAGAts that Trump lost
I mean I suppose there's the potential for there to be violence and unrest for an extended period of time from the people who think it's appropriate to carry their AR-15s through the street and into Capitol buildings and screaming police faces and stuff like that
I mean I think there's likely to be some danger from those people although I don't know for sure
But what about Trump do we have to worry about him launching the nuclear codes or stealing all the silver and the White House do we have to worry about him causing mayhem and being like you know if I don't get reelected then I'm burning it down you know I mean when he was trying to get reelected he was behaving in ways that didn't seem to me to be consistent with having people continue to like him or support him
The lead in Georgia is only 665 for Trump now

And as disappointed as I am that there was not a repudiation I will say Biden has a big lead in the popular vote and it isn't easy to unseat and incumbent president
so even though I am still disappointed that there was not a repudiation I probably should at least take those factors into account and not be quite as disappointed with Americans
I'm going to be hanging the hallways for my mom I don't know if I told you about that I don't think I did she has when we were going through her stuff I thought we had all the framed things but it turns out that we're a whole bunch of small frame things that are like I don't know 12x16 or 16x20 or some something like that I don't remember and there were 6 or 7 of them and they're in very elaborate gold frames and she was wanting me to just kind of fit them in wherever in the studio and I'm like okay that is not going to look good and defeats the whole purpose and I don't want to do that and I'm like you know aren't we hanging some stuff in the hallway and she's like yes and I'm like are you worried that if we hang the frame things in the hallway they'll get stolen and she's like no and I'm like okay well let me go measure this wall and there's a wall that's exactly the right size to hang all of them and then probably we could get another part of a different wall although we're going to have to talk to Vicki about it and there's some larger canvases that she was going to do some work on but you know they could hang there and then they could come in one at a time and she could work on you know there's no reason why they can't just go up
and I really just want to watch the news until something is resolved but it's probably better if I just do something more productive than be stuck to the TV because again it's not like my watching it has any impact on the factual things that are happening in the world they don't need me to watch them to happen
I'm still very uncomfortable with this whole situation with Trump and his kids and just declaring himself the winner and declaring votes as illegal votes and it's like you know so in the places where you might still win they should keep counting but in the places where your head they stop counting and I'm just worried I'm just worried I will be a lot happier and more secure in my psyche if you know he would just go golf in Florida right now and vacate the White House and you know not have anything else to do with it I realize that that probably wouldn't be safe either from a national security standpoint but I just I don't know I don't trust him I feel as though there's really not any way that he can do what he wants to do but that doesn't mean I don't think he can cause all kind of f****** trouble

So I hope you are doing well I love you very much I am exhausted just exhausted I'm worried about the covid

Please take care of yourself
It is going to get bad again really really bad in fact it's worse now than it was when it was bad before and we are just like a week or two away from hospitals being overcrowded again please please please be careful
I know you're super healthy and whatever but just be careful

goodnight sweetheart I love you very much 💋