Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Okay so I'm awake sort of
Was going to get up at 8:30 send every set my alarm for 10:30
And I have this sense that I'm getting up at the big slab of color
which doesn't make any sense I understand with one part of my mind but the other part of my mind it makes perfect sense and somehow the big slap of color is a desirable thing
And I have a real version to being vertical
I just want to stay in the big slab of color
And then I see all these variations with little globs of color as an option somehow
I'm uncertain exactly what that means if it's manipulating the big slap of color into little blobs of color or if somehow staying in the bed would allow me to make the little blobs of color I'm just not sure
I really don't want to get up my head hurts but it usually hurts when I wake up in the morning I've got plugged up sinuses that when I get up and take a shower and start moving around go away if I don't take a shower they would less so go away but they would partially go away actually they're not going to completely go away because there's allergens and what not
And I have been continuing to have higher than average Amanda sneezing

I dreamed about I can't really remember I know there was coffee shops somehow
But it seemed like very long involved dreams that went on and on about lots of things so I don't think it was just coffee shops
Then there was the whole slab of color blob of color thing
and I'm pretty sure you ran there somewhere

And I just turned on my left side
I read somewhere quite some time ago that if you lay on your left side it helps to drain your lymph
Which is a good thing
And I pretty much laid on my back all night

Okay so I guess we're going to compromise
I'm going to set my alarm for like 20 or 30 minutes and I'm going to lay here and just enjoy laying in the bed and then if I fall back asleep the alarm should wake me up
I wish I could remember those dreams Tell them to you I think they were pretty interesting