Wednesday, November 18, 2020

All right well I'm drinking coffee I washed my face I got to say I still feel kind of muzzy headed
Also I seem to be having just kind of flow through my head situations from my past work where I was not the greatest or most enlightened or smartest

And I'm finding that I can take this information in several ways
I can look at it as a criticism and feel bad about it
I can look at it as a critique of me as a whole and feel like maybe I am not an accurate assessment of my skills levels
I can look at it as a self-assessment and see the ways in which I've grown and would do those things better if I was doing them again

And I'm choosing to look at it in the last way but I would prefer to be honest with you not to be doing that right now and the fact that I don't want to be self critiquing is slightly undermining the efficacy of choosing that perspective
Because the fact that I'm not that into it is making me lean a little more heavily towards the wow I really under assessed the degree to which I was just a normal person as opposed to a really super awesome person

but I don't know all of that is kind of weird I mean I typically do have a few things that'll pop up that I'm reassessing but they're usually you know more or less current things that they're still some way I could you know have an effect on doesn't really do me all that much good to think about all the ways in which I fell short of my current expectations years ago

The sun coming in the window is really bright The blinds are pulled they're just like those you know kind of mini blinds the apartments have that are made out of that very flimsy metal and they're closed
But a lot of light is coming in and I'm getting a great deal of enjoyment from the bright filtered I guess you'd call it bright filtered light

I just have the fan on and my phone says it's 72° outside which is pretty cool
I think I'm hungry
I got some of those packets of instant oatmeal I try not to eat those I try to make real oatmeal but those packets of instant oatmeal are what I ate as a kid so they've got kind of a comfort food aspect so I got some
Maple and brown sugar and then you put like a handful of raisins well my handful I guess your handful would be too many