Thursday, November 26, 2020

I'm getting low on battery and I really should have gone to sleep a while ago
I felt like I had all these things
That I was going to talk about
But then this all seems pretty random

And I did a reading and asked you know what does he want to know or what does he want me to talk about or whatever and I didn't really get anything that made any sense
I got that Ace of swords and two of swords again The truth and the armistice thing
But I don't I don't know what that means

Maybe it means you want to hear how things are going with my mom
Maybe it means you think I'm not telling you the truth about something although I don't really know what that would be
And then the armistice thing that could be about my mom too or I guess it could be about us but I don't think we're having a problem
Unless I'm not being communicative enough and that could be a problem so I guess maybe that's how I started talking about all this stuff maybe I just thought I would let you know what was kind of going on in my head which does seem to be a random assortment of things

I am very grateful though
I feel like I've had
A fair amount of divine intervention on my behalf
I know one time I was telling somebody something and they were like wow you are really unlucky and I was kind of shocked because I didn't know what I had said that gave them would give them the impression that I was very unlucky I must have been bitching about something and they were perhaps feeling like that I was exaggerating things or something I don't know I mean the last time I told somebody while they were very unlucky it was because they were coming up with things that I thought were lies about you know well they couldn't do this for this reason because this crisis happened and they couldn't do that for that reason because that crisis happened and it was like you know when somebody can't work because their grandmother died but they've already had like six grandmothers die and how many grandmothers do you have you know that kind of thing so maybe I was saying something to them that sounded like that but I can't imagine what that was any rate it's not all that important but I've always felt like I was very lucky and so when they were like wow you're really unlucky I'm like no I'm not I'm very lucky person
I've always felt like I was a very lucky person
I have had bad things happen to me but I don't feel like that's a lucky issue you know
I guess that seems kind of counterintuitive but I guess that's not what I mean by lucky

I guess I don't think lucky means that you were born into the best possible situation and everything went as good as it could possibly go and you have no complaints with your life That's more like fortunate or privileged
The best description that I ever had for luck in the way that I think about it sadly came from Harry Potter I don't know if you ever read the Harry Potter books and I certainly wouldn't recommend that you read them now because what's her name is a terf and so I am not going to recommend her she's also been very disappointing on some other things like she should probably just not talk about her opinions but I mean she's free to talk about whatever she wants to talk about whatever putting that aside

I can't remember which book it's in now but Harry gets a luck potion and he takes the luck potion and there's like this kind of glittering action and then it's like he sees the connections between things that he wouldn't normally see and he gets a feeling that he should do a certain thing that he wouldn't normally do that seems counterintuitive and he just goes with it and everything goes along like with the best possible outcome so like like you're just moving the particles around a little bit so that things click together if you've read the books maybe you remember that but that description of what happens with him when he takes the luck potion that is what I mean by I've always considered myself to be very lucky I feel like I have a certain degree of that pretty much all the time doesn't mean I would win at gambling you know it's not that kind of thing