Wednesday, November 18, 2020

it occurs to me that I didn't really explain myself very well when I said I was dizzy and I was going to go lay down I did go lay down but I fell asleep

Now I didn't finish my coffee it's very unusual that I don't drink the full first cup and then go get a second cup but only drink about half of the first cup and was like I really don't want coffee which is usually a sign that my stomach is upset and/or that I'm sick

taking naps in the middle of the day is also a sign that I'm not feeling very well it's pretty unusual for me to do that although my sleep patterns have been pretty erratic and I have had a lot of stress but sleeping during the day for me is a sign of illness

And then I got up and it was like I don't know 5:00 or something and I had toast and a baked potato cuz that was all pretty bland I was much less dizzy after I had the nap but I still did not feel well and I was having like cramps so that tends to reinforce the hormone thing

I I just really couldn't tell you what I have been doing I did research on retinols I I don't know I've just been kind of zoned out I watched some more Monty Python I didn't even really look through very much social media just a little tiny bit

But I'm pretty sure that the symptoms of covet are not just like nausea but actual you know vomiting or diarrhea not just like oh I feel nauseated and I'm dizzy I'm pretty sure that's hormonal and it's been a while since I had a bout of this exactly this way but I'm pretty sure this is what my body did right before it had periods

Now I've had hormonal stuff I don't know how frequently I've had that I don't have any sense of time anymore at all but I know I've mentioned it a few times but I feel like it's highly likely that I will actually have a period because I had that whole emotional maudlin episode which would be consistent with really bad PMS now that I'm looking at it after the fact and then I had the dizziness and the nausea and I feel better now but I've been real out of it all day I would say brain fog is a pretty good description

so I'm sorry I know I said I was going to go lay down and then I kind of disappeared and that might be a source of worry and I don't mean to be that I feel confident that I do not have covid

And I'm going to put on some of that hormonal cream before I go to bed

I love you very much sweetheart