Thursday, November 19, 2020

I slept most of the day
I wasn't going to do that but asleep me thought there was no particular reason to get up
Asleep me wanted to stay laying in the big blob of color
And again I do not know how I managed to go so long without having to get up to pee
Also the experiment the pores was confirmed so now I know I can do that probably not more than twice a week and I think it's a little irritating so probably better if it wasn't quite as often as twice a week
I dreamed a lot of things
I'm pretty sure they were all fairly complicated
But the only one I can remember
I was doing a promo changeover for wine except I wasn't really doing it some people were helping me so it was taking up a lot of space
And I was like I don't think it's going to be okay for it to just wind all through like this so whoever was helping me no one was monitoring them at all while they had me off doing other things so they did just whatever crazy thing they thought of
And then Susan came up behind me was like well you're going to have to redo all that

I think the brain fog is gone
And the nausea and dizziness
And the cramping, mostly
But I'd still say there's a mood element going on

I hope your day is going well
I love you very much