Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Okay there was more to the stream but all that I can remember right now is I was talking to somebody about these people at a restaurant and kind of a dildo country type place
Okay I'm leaving that because it's hysterical
I was yawning
But I said down home country type place
And they were having some big conversation that was I don't know cool or meaningful or something I don't really remember and this lady who was sitting next to her at a table next to the people I was talking to and me
She asked what I was talking about
And so I told her oh you could just watch the video blah blah blah
And she's like where what I watch the video
And I could not think of the name YouTube
And it was freaking me out really bad because I watch a lot of YouTube
And I was like how can I not think of the name of it I watch like 6 hours of it a day
And she would come up with something and I would be like no I never even knew about that thing
I'm like it's not Vimeo I know it's not Vimeo
But after several tries
I came up with I found the video on some site called BBsays
That's probably not it but I'm sure about the BB part maybe it was BBbabyz
I thought that was really weird

Oh and the one I had right before I woke up they were these two people and they knew each other they wanted to make movies and so they were going to shoot I want to say it was a 43 second trailer teaser trailer something it was going to get people interested in their movie I guess theoretically interested enough to give them the money to make the movie
So they each went and I heard some people
And one group had these very distinctive hoodies with I don't know like company markings or something although
And I was noticing that and saying man you know they're doing all this shooting and they don't have permits for anything and them being so easy to identify could kind of come back and bite them in the ass but it looks really cool
And I don't think that this was part of the intended movie but the main guy he kept getting his dick caught in things which I mean on the one hand isn't funny at all but on the other hand was pretty funny in a slapstick way if it wasn't real which I think it was
So I mean they filmed it trailer but I don't know that it actually had anything to do with what the movie was originally supposed to be about but I think all that slapstick stuff stayed in

And the other one she went to like a whorehouse and hired a bunch of girls to play her daughters and they didn't really want to do it but they had to and I don't know that they were all that good or that the thing came off all that well

And then I was having some sort of a get-together I don't know if it had anything to do with their movies or not I sort of don't think so but I had beer multiple six packs of beer but they seemed too light so I was a little afraid that once I opened them up they weren't going to have much beer in them and they were a some special kind of beer

And then somebody I'm not 100% sure who it was it was somebody that I've known in the past I mean like an actual person I think that I knew in the past maybe Johnny who was the beverage department head before me
But maybe not I mean it didn't make a lot of sense
But maybe it was tied in with the beer I don't know at any rate he was like
I don't remember what brought this up
But I was getting out of my car or getting into my car one or the other and he was like oh are they going to breed you too
I can't really imagine what situation immediately preceding that would have made that an appropriate thing to say but Johnny was kind of a dick so maybe that is why it was Johnny
And I was like dude I'm 51 I'm too old to breed
Which is funny because I'm not 51 I'm 55 so I'm making myself younger and my dreams I don't know maybe it wasn't me maybe it was somebody else but I thought it was funny after I woke up

And he's like oh I'm so sorry
I don't like well I mostly didn't want kids
It was only really in the face of not being able to have them soon that kind of made me want them

And then at the place where we were all drinking beer somebody showed up who was famous enough that we rearranged all the furniture to put him in a particular spot I'm not sure why we thought that's bot was better than any other spot but we did
I'm pretty sure he was a musician
But he wasn't anybody that I know in real life
Or no oven real life
But I think he had a pink guitar

I'm confident that was more to my dream than that but that's all I remember right now