Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Okay so I fell back asleep
And there's this whole dream with driving in the parking garages and ice and whatnot I don't really remember
But you also had superpowers
And there was this friend of yours
I was trying to date your daughter
And you demonstrated your powers by
Changing your size I started to say blowing yourself up but that's mean something different

And so you increase your size and you got really giant
Like sure I'm not to mess around
But then he like tricked you to where y'all were walking together and he kind of bypassed you and went into a restaurant to meet her
And then you like change yourself into some kind of like sports mascot like a ram but like a little tiny like helmet size RAM and then you blew yourself up really big like you were going to get him

And I don't know how that worked out
But then you and I were talking
Except in the dream I think I had some kind of superpowers too and for sure I was younger and cuter
And only got into an argument
About I don't know I'm not really sure now what the argument was about
But it had something to do with your superpowers versus my superpowers
And apparently we decided we were going to test them somehow only I don't think we actually decided that I think it was part of the argument somehow
And we were kissing
And arguing
And kissing
And my heart started pounding so hard it woke me up