Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Well I went to bed early thinking I would be able to get up early and I set my alarm but I did not get up well I got up to pee but then I was like no I need to go back to bed
My head still hurts
I feel a little not dizzy whatever's right before dizzy
My back hurts really bad but that could be because I slept wrong
My whole head is still very full but at least I don't have that audible heartbeat pounding thing in my ears that was really off putting and also my neck doesn't seem to be as stiff today it was literally just cracking yesterday
And now I'm telling myself I'm going to go downstairs cuz I need to take all my vitamins and pills and things and they're all downstairs but I'm like but I'll just lay down for this
Meaning this
I don't know if I'm sick or what normally I'm not like man standing up as just too much of a strain so I don't know I just don't know

But I had a weird dream
I was staying at this I'm not sure if it was a house or a trailer that was set into a foundation it was pretty rickety but it wasn't like an obvious trailer
And it was somebody's trailer or house or whatever it was that I was staying in but I don't know exactly why I was staying there

I think there was a little bit of they were old and in a nursing home or something or it was it was somehow a house that was in my family that needed somebody to stay there so they were going to help me out by letting me stay there but it was out in the like excerbs
And it was some guy who was staying with me in case I needed to be driven to the hospital because I was very very pregnant
And I'm not clear on exactly who he was

But there was like a little park area out across from the house and there was a group of people like kind of gathered there and they were having some sort of a reasonably mild but seeming like it could escalate it any moment type of altercation

And seem like there were a lot of red hats there
So then the sky who's there with me he starts screaming out the window at the red hats get him all riled up
I'm like cut that out I would like to maintain a low profile here you know I'm not exactly in fighting condition and I don't want to fight anyway
But he just kept screaming out the window getting them all riled up and they started taking on the I'm not sure exactly what I mean by this they didn't like physically change but they just seemed to me more like not zombies but some kind of demonic creatures you know kind of like there's that picture in the subway car window where they're all leaning against it and they look like zombies that was in Michigan maybe
All this just kind of took on the sense that they were now monsters outside the house that might get in any moment to attack me

And I went to the backyard and this guy had said a fire a big fire like I guess it was supposed to be a bonfire or a campfire or something but he'd set a big fire right next to a tree and I'm like we need to put that out right now before it catches the tree on fire

And then there was something about blue

I don't remember if I put on blue glasses or if I got blue something I don't remember I just remember that I really needed blue and then it was there and things were better but it was kind of abstract