Monday, January 17, 2022

I see that I didn't say good night
I did not mean to skip saying good night I just somehow did
I'm sorry

I had a lot of dreams
I had one about a woman who lived in the house that had like multiple concrete slabs at different levels foundation and then somehow like a cover had built over that
And there was more story to that but I don't remember it

And then there was another part with the museum
I kept rearranging the objects on this table which I think was supposed to be representative of a room set up but I don't now remember what the objects were
And then right around the corner there was a radio and I turned it on and it was broadcasting music and talking about things that happened in the past and I'm not quite sure how it did that because I think it was a real radio and it was picking up a real station
And then there was an entryway or covering or something to the metro station and it was done it was much more like the Paris Metro it was wrought iron and it had all these people characterized in it that were colorful and beautifully done and they were kind of like the elders from the neighborhood they were all black and they were all really old but they were the current elders they were like still alive and this was like a tribute to them
But they looked a little like the people on the doors of encanto which I just recently watched

Also you have kind of a theme song in my head apparently it's not new it's been going on for a little while I just haven't told you about it before and maybe I have some vague recollection of this actually being something that happened years ago I don't know what it's in relation to why it starts playing it particular times but apparently the spy who loved me is your theme