Sunday, January 23, 2022

Okay well I'm doing better again
And I don't want to overdramatize my situation I'm not like oh so sick
I've had some symptoms that have been unpleasant
But except for the vomiting
They really have been that bad
And since the vomiting was on one day and it was contained to a span of several hours
I just I don't know whether to say
Oh yes I have covid
Or to explain the symptoms away to other things

Ed I have been taking
Who's Ed?
And I have been taking the homeopathic flu medicine I've been taking it more like once every 12 hours than once every 6 hours
I'm also taking something called bioplasma by Hylands
I had started taking that before I got sick
There was just a lot of chatter
Some Amazon reviews some YouTube videos blah blah blah that said that the stuff was amazing for pretty much everything that could possibly be wrong with you
And I have a bias against Hylands because when I couldn't find the Boiron homeopathic stuff before I tried them and I felt like none of their stuff did anything but this is a little bit different it's not plant things it's cell salts so bioplasma is the 12 cell salts and it's supposed to be for relief of symptoms of colds, simple nervous tension, fatigue, and headaches

And it comes in this kind of cool looking bottle and there's like a thousand tablets and it was like 10 bucks but you take like four tablets at a time or something so it's not like a thousand doses but still it's an awful lot

So I mean I suppose it's possible that I'm sick and the homeopathic stuff is making me feel better and making me not be sick
But I find that to be honest with you kind of hard to believe
and I mean
It's not that I want to be super sick
It's just that I'm not sure if I'm sick
Or if I'm just having what sick symptoms
I mean that vomiting was definitely illness
And it was extremely unpleasant and a little bit scary
But I can't absolutely rule out some sort of food poisoning although it doesn't really fit any of the patterns I can't absolutely rule out hormones either although it doesn't fit any of those patterns

But this isn't fitting any of the patterns that I have for cold or flu really either
So I don't feel confident saying that I have covid but then if I don't have covid what the f***** wrong with me
And I guess I feel better in the middle of the night because I just feel better in the middle of the night anyway
I am definitely very stiff and cracky and poppy like every time I move anything it cracks and that seems like it's a lot more than usual although that's not exactly an uncommon symptom in a milder degree
And I'm definitely still jangly
I'm not very well focused either

Oh I forgot to tell you
The universe told me to buy a book
I can't explain exactly how that happened
Because I can't really remember
but somehow
The universe thinks this is directly related to
And will be informative for
Writing my book
It says I was getting a little too lecture-y
where I need it to be more personal

So there's that

I think I'm going to go to sleep now
Goodnight sweetheart I love you very much πŸ’‹