Saturday, January 29, 2022

Okay well I don't think I'm sick anymore
But I'd feel really tired and run down

I had some of that chili oil
And it was kind of surprising I mean I expected it to be really hot but it wasn't really hot but it was very flavorful and I got the big jar it's like I don't know 26 oz or something and it's most of their jars are like 7 oz I think so this one said it was the family / restaurant size and then it came with this little adorable spoon with a long stick I guess cuz I guess cuz it's a deep bottle but it's a little spoon and so that made me think oh man the stuff must be really hot
Plus you know some of the Chinese restaurants or Thai restaurants or Pan-Asian restaurants that I've been to or ordered from give you like a little thing of chili oil and I figured it would be similar to that you know chili oil oil with little chilies in it except that this stuff has other ingredients

And the story on the chili oil makers is that it was originally this woman and she had like a little lunch place in China where people would go and get food on their you know lunch break or whatever and one day she was lazy or running out of time or something the story very slightly and she didn't make the condiment topping for her foods
And supposedly like people were like oh you don't have the condiment topping today will never mind and they all left and went and ordered stuff from someplace else and that was when she realized that they weren't stopping there she wasn't wildly successful because they loved her food was because they loved her topping and so she's like well f*** it I'll just go into the condiment making business
So I had ordered Chinese food and I had some white rice left over and so I reheated that and then I put a little of the chili oil on top of it and tasted it and it was really really good but it wasn't really hot so it's like oh it's not that hot I could put more so it was a pretty good size bowl of rice but I think I ended up putting about a half a cup of this stuff on it it is amazing
It's got all the flavor of the chili but it's not very hot so you could eat more of it and it doesn't you know if you eat something that's too hot it kind of burns out your taste buds and you can't taste it so plus it's got a little MSG in it which intensifies all the flavors and I know that's a controversial ingredient that isn't probably good for you but I don't have a sensitivity to it so you know whatever

I don't seek it out but I don't have to avoid it specifically
So it's got all the chili it's got all these chili flavors but it's not so hot so you taste all the chili flavor I mean in a way that you wouldn't typically because you don't have that MSG and then it had fermented soybeans also in it but like as like a whole bean shape not like all mushed up like Miso or something
And I had that last night and it didn't cause me a problem so I guess my guts are more or less back to normal
And also I figured that I must not be sick anymore because I started reorganizing cabinets which is not something that I would do unless I had extra energy which I don't have extra energy so I don't know how to explain that really
But I've decided what I want to do is start having kind of a Japanese soup for breakfast kind of action
I still have plenty of seaweed but I did think about buying some kind of like dashi soup mix either buying bonito flakes or buying a powdered mix of dashi or packets or something
And doordash does have 99 ranch
But they don't have like a complete selection they have a a really abbreviated selection of things and I don't know I just ended up finding this stuff on Amazon that looked more like what I wanted
There was the stuff I bought from 99 ranch years ago and I actually found it when I was cleaning out the cabinet cuz I saved the bottle even though there's really not anything left in it because it's from I think it's from Taiwan but maybe it's from mainland China but it's a it's a soup concentrate and there's no I mean it may say soup concentrate in English but like the name of the brand doesn't have an English translation the name of the product doesn't have an English translation so I don't know what it's called I've bought it several times and 99 ranch but well maybe twice but I just have to recognize it so I started looking on Amazon under soup concentrate and I found this other thing that seemed like it was possibly pretty close although I've no idea what's in the original one I mean like no idea at all
But this new stuff that I got it's got fermented soybean essence which tastes a lot like soy sauce but it's not quite so salty and it's a little less intense and then it has a whole bunch of vegetables carrots and onions and turnips and kombu and shiitake and some other stuff so I'm like well I like all those things that sounds very much like what I'm looking for and it's organic so it's non-GMO soybeans which I would prefer

It's made in Korea
Anyway it came and it's super tasty it's not exactly the same as the other thing but it's you know pretty similar in spirit
And I tried a little bit of that mixed into some boiling water and it's really good so I mean I think I could probably just pour some boiling water mix that in mix in a little meso soup and bam
Of course I have all these grand ideas about seaweed and chopped up thin tofu sheet skin something and udon noodles and you know all these elaborate things but
I'm going to need to either have an order delivered from 99 ranch or go to 99 ranch I'm not going to try to get all of those ingredients from Amazon because I mean it just isn't possible anyway but then when I was looking on 99 ranch they only had like six different kinds of miso available
And none of them are kinds I've bought before so I don't know I really I ordered a large well large-ish tub of miso on Amazon one time and it was really gross I ended up throwing it away
And I had thought well you know white miso is so mild how could there possibly be a white miso that wouldn't be good
But I was wrong and now I'm kind of gunshy
So I don't know

So I'm very distracted with all these ideas I'm having a hard time focusing
And I feel a little bit I don't know if it's depressed or just kind of low affect I don't know I feel kind of weird emotionally
And I guess I've been feeling weird emotionally for a while but I wasn't specifically feeling weird emotionally while I was feeling sick I was just feeling sick but now that I feel better I guessed I feel like I should feel more

I thought maybe you seemed like you were a little sad but maybe I'm just projecting that

Anyway I hope you're doing well
I love you very much