Monday, January 3, 2022

I've been up since about 1:30 so I slept about 12 hours
I had night sweats
So it's freezing cold well okay not freezing cold but it was like almost freezing cold like mid-thirties stop it cat
When I went to bed stop at Kat what is it that you want
So it's very cold when I went to sleep
And then I woke up and I was super hot
So I went back to sleep with less blankets and then when I woke up again later I was cold again so stop it stop it stop it settle settle

I had fairly complicated dreams I think
I remember this one where I was going to do a tasting of some sort at a it wasn't exactly a festival it was more of a parade I think

Can I sent my father and Debra notification that I was going to be there
But then I ended up going to some sort of amusement park or something with I'm not sure who it was some other family members
I got really sunburned but wasn't red I was like brown and crispy

Then I ended up staying there too long to make it to the parade tasting thing
Then I was like well that might not have been booked for this year anyway I know it was booked for last year but I might have not had permission

In any way they only people who knew about it were my father and Deborah
So that was kind of weird

But then I was with a big group of people and we had to live together for a year
You kept making all these jokes about it
About how we all liked each other now but we weren't going to like each other after a year
Except in various different ways that I don't remember we know like it was more joking that what I said wasn't very jokey but in the dream it was very jokey

And then I was housed up with these other girls who I mean I knew him but I weren't like you know people who were my best friends or anything and they was just very complicated shower where you screwed off this big wheel behind the shower head and inserted all these scented pod things so that it would shoot out different kinds of things that you moisturizing water and scented water and whatever and really like any of the things they had put in there so they're like well fine go through the thing and pick one that you like so you can have one that you like so I looked through the whole thing again and again and again and I finally found this one that I could stand the scent of that was I don't know kind of woodsy I guess and it was called Milan

Although to be honest with you I think I would prefer that my water didn't have any scent at all I don't know why that wasn't an option
But I mean this part of the dream went on for a long time they were all these different scents

I don't know if I could actually smell them in the dream
Although maybe it was some kind of in my dream way of checking to see if I had covid cuz I do smell things regularly to make sure I still have sense of smell
Although my understanding is that that doesn't necessarily hold true for omicron

But also could be related to there's been something going on with the hot water I don't know if they're working on the boiler or what they're not leaving any notification on the door if they are but just you know somedays for like half the day there's no hot water
And it would make more sense if it was from like you know 9 to 5 or something I don't know if it's starting at 9:00 ever because not usually up at 9:00 but it has sometimes gone later than 5:00 I don't know whether the pilot light is going out and then somebody's calling them when it when there's no hot water I don't know there's nobody in the office now because they've shut it down because of omicron and they put up a thing a while back that said you know only call for maintenance if it's an emergency so I don't know