Friday, January 14, 2022

So I've been signed up for reddit's app for a year now and the only thing I ever look at but I do look at that like almost every well sometimes almost every day sometimes once or twice a week it just depends is the Asian skincare group

I started off looking at several skin care groups that was one that was like over 40 or something and I started off trying to look at some political ones as well but the only ones I ever look at anymore and they really it's almost the only one that ever sends me any notifications probably because it's the only one ever really look at

And I can't say that I've really taken anybody's advice on anything or that it's been helpful to me in any way but it's just kind of entertaining to me to see what people are using and what they think is old school

I mean these people think CosRX snail is old school
And I guess they've been around I just looked it up they've been around since 2013 but I never hear any of the Korean skincare influencers talk about cosRx I only ever hear American influencers talk about cost RX
I don't know when I started trying to use Korean skincare it was kind of tricky to find I mean I was going to Asian groceries and ordering things from weird websites and sometimes fine and things on eBay or Amazon but you couldn't like go into Ulta or Sephora and have anybody know what snail was
So I think I'm all hot s*** I guess because I was an early adopter of Korean skincare I'm not really sure when I started doing that though I want to say it was 13 or 14

Whatever it's not important and I don't know why I'm even telling you this I just was reading a thing on Reddit and I remembered that it's been a year that I've been on Reddit and that that's the only board I ever read

Anyway I'm going to go to sleep now I think

Goodnight sweetheart I love you very much πŸ’‹