Tuesday, November 22, 2022

I've been mostly taking Uber to work at the art shop
I can't really explain why
Calling a car
Being driven to work
Not having to stress during the drive but to just be able to relax

But then this last time it was supposed to rain all day and that made me very nervous
But the thing is what I've been doing is taking an Uber and then my mom comes and picks me up and that gets her to the studio cuz she's spending all this money for her fancy studio which is now all fixed up and pretty with all of her supplies and whatnot but she doesn't go
Whatever in any rate in my mind it was I take the Uber to work and it's nice and comfortable and I can relax on the drive there and then I just go there and I mean I'm helping them out you know I'm not doing it because it's a whole bunch of money I thought I'd be fun

And it's kind of fun
Vicky as I think I mentioned before is totally a boomer
She's also very no nonsense
Turse brusque whatever
She went to the school hard knocks well actually no she has a college degree but she also went to the School of hard knocks and You know uphill both ways
But I've known Vicky pretty much my entire life and so whereas if she was a person I was just now meeting and she had this personality I think it would be somewhat difficult
But you know she's just Vicky
And it's ironic
Maybe ironic is what it is
That some of the things that Vicki does
That are you know generational or whatever
Some of those things when my mom does them it irritates me
And it's not like when Vicky doesn't it doesn't irritate me but there's a way in which it's just not important
I mean if she wants to think these things
That doesn't actually invade my world you know she's a separate person over there
And what she thinks and feels and whatever

But I like her
The way you used to be able to like people that believe things that were radically different than you

Anyway yesterday I made an r
I made a sign that said sharpeners
I individually tagged all the smaller pallet knives
I tagged some canvas boards with their size because for some reason they didn't have that printed on the back for that particular brand

I changed around display
Organized packed away and labeled some overstock
I painted some display samples
I checked in an order I did that first I almost forgot

I helped some customers
They were a few people who came in to pick things up for final projects
It rained all day
But not very hard
Like barely what you could call rain
And there were some parents who came in with their kids just to have something to do
I don't mean like two parents and two kids came in as a family unit I mean like a father came in with his daughter and they looked around a mother came in with her son still kind of in a fuzzy pajama outfit.