Thursday, November 3, 2022

I think it's going to happen with the election

I mean I went from being incredibly worried that the Democrats were going to lose everything

To being all like super excited and sure that the Republicans had f***** themselves with the whole abortion thing and that it was going to be a big blue wave

But now I'm just not sure

I mean the people who report the weather they're super inaccurate now they used to be reasonably inaccurate but weather is probabilities so they look at the weather patterns and they say well blah blah percentage of the time that it looks like this this is what happens so we're going to say that's what happens and sometimes they're wrong

And then also if you're listening to weather in like a really big area city well you know maybe the weather will do one thing on one side of town but the other side of town is 50 miles away and it's doing something completely different

But since global warming I think they just can't read the patterns they don't know what they mean anymore and so it's pretty much all guessing just guessing or basing it off the old pattern that doesn't work the same way

And I think all this polling and stuff that they're doing now is a similar phenomenon

They're counting likely voters based on I guess previous voting patterns
Only whatever questions they're asking they're not asking them right or whoever they're polling they're not picking a truly random sample
Or people don't like to talk to people who are asking them questions and said they lie I don't know what the scenario is
I just feel as though whatever they were using before it isn't working for him anymore and so they're getting data but it doesn't necessarily mean what it seems to mean

I could be wrong about that it's just a theory but they seem to be not really knowing anymore

Now it could be that everybody's attention span is super short and they don't care anymore about abortion but I don't believe that

And the numbers of people who are voting looks really good but
If it's mostly Democrats early voting and then a bunch of people come vote at the last minute is that going to be enough to change it I don't know