Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Oh and I forgot
I haven't been drinking coffee
Because I was so anxious all the time and I just thought if I stopped drinking coffee for a while it would kind of chill me out

But then this tea that I'm drinking it's got this very fortifying quality you know
And then I've been mixing Sheila sheet into it God damn it 

But then I've also been you know kind of brewing it up semi-warm cuz I brew up some fresh and I pour it over some that's gotten that I've mostly drunk and I'm drinking it in stages between hot and cold I mean sometimes I just make a cup and I drink it I very rarely finish before it gets cold because I don't know why it's a problem for me

I make a cup of tea and it's too hot
So I'm waiting for it to cool
But then somehow I miss the period of time where it's the temperature I want it to be and I start drinking it when it's just slightly less that temperature you know

So now I've gotten into this thing where it's kind of like it doesn't matter what temperature it is there are a range of temperatures that I find extremely enjoyable but I like it at every temperature

And that's made things easier
But then I'm not making iced tea I'm just making this one kind of tea and drinking it sometimes hot sometimes cold you know we'll never cold cuz I don't put ice in it well okay sometimes I make a cup of tea and I pour it into my glass that I'm going to be drinking it when it's colder cooler room temperature whatever but I'm going to carry it to bed and it's not a cup of tea it's a glass of tea so sometimes I put some ice into it to cool it enough that I don't burn my fingers as I carry it but I don't ever make it as iced tea is what I mean