Saturday, November 5, 2022

I'm experimenting
I was having trouble sleeping
Or staying asleep or going to sleep or waking up or all of them
And it had gotten to where I was taking multiple things
And NyQuil

So I was mostly going to sleep
And I was sometimes staying asleep
Sometimes I slept well and sometimes I didn't
But I was increasingly having a harder time waking up

Then I heard about Delta 8
Which is some kind of a cannabinoid
That's legal in my state
Although it may make you test positive for drug test so I'm not sure how that can be legal but they assure me and I order it through the mail from a company from Texas so

That's helping
But it was also opening me up a little bit

And they have Delta 9
And they have Delta 10
So I ordered some little kind of sampler packs of those
Delta 10 is supposed to be the I don't give a f*** gummy
Although I think maybe we interpret those words differently
I took a whole gummy based on the fact that I had to take a whole one with the Delta 8 for it to do anything
But a whole 10 didn't seem to do much

Delta 9 a whole one was way too much
Like I felt like I was not in control enough

Half a Delta 9 with a full Delta 10
Still felt a little bit out of control but highlighted with the 10 does

It's not I don't give a f*** like woohoo
Yes I don't give a f*** like
It's all good man
No anxiety no paranoia

The Delta 8 is relaxing and somewhat expansive
So I tried taking a quarter of the 9 with the 8

And I still was feeling like I needed to go back and review records and conversations and whatnot so

I guess I'll try a quarter of a nine with some amount of 10 or maybe a little bit of eight so it's not enough to make me sleepy but it is enough to give more of that expansive