Saturday, November 5, 2022

I've gone to my mom's some
Trying to unpack her stuff

It's depressing
And even though I feel like I threw away a lot of stuff

Kind of like why didn't I throw away more

I was watching a cheap Joe's two minute art tip video and Julie was on there
And I'm like it'd be fun to work an art supply store

And then I was at the studio again after not being there for a long period of time because I had to redo the studio with all the new stuff in it

And I've been kind of avoiding talking to everybody as much as I could
And then I was talking to Lucy

And she was like hey do you know anybody who would want to work at the art supply store because I haven't had a day off in months well actually
I'm seeing it wrong she has had one day off a week because the stores closed one day a week but she hasn't had a second day off in months

So I was like well you know
You know what do you need
Cuz maybe I'm interested
I'm working there one day a week
On Mondays
They don't have a lot of customers and Monday isn't like they're busiest day
And then what you wear a mask

And it doesn't make a ton of sense from a job standpoint cuz it doesn't pay that much
But I just thought
You know I need to kind of get over being scared of everything

And I need to have some human interactions that are not with my mom

So Halloween was my first day

And I was bending over to price some things and Vicky got up and brought me a chair and was like save your back
Which was very nice of her
And was a very good idea

Lucy gave me some supplies to take home and play with that I was unfamiliar with so that I would know more about them

Cuz there's been some development in acrylic paint since I painted with it
They've got some called open
That doesn't dry as fast so you can work into it the way you do with oil except it's been so long since I've done that that
Maybe I just don't see why that's a good thing anymore
Actually I don't think that's it I think that
The acrylic just doesn't look the same as the oil so when you work into it that doesn't look the same either
And also when I worked in oil I would let things dry to a certain level and then I would work back in with wet pain and glazing mediums and whatnot and
I'm just not sure that the acrylic paint staying open a little bit longer really gives you that same sort of range

Also how is used tubes of acrylic paint which they now call heavy body
Now I'm pretty sure last time I was painting with it heavy body was something else it was a thicker quality tube paint that you could use for you know imposto effects or whatever

But now the just regular tubes of acrylic paint are called heavy body
And they have bottles of liquid acrylic which is thinner
And then they have a much thinner version that you can use supposedly in some kinds of pins and airbrushes and whatnot and
I think that would be kind of cool to use to just pour paint

And then there's some I haven't played with yet

Although I might do that today
She gave me a very small amount of this other one
It's called so flat and think about it is that it's supposed to be a very flat matte finish

So that's all going on