Tuesday, November 22, 2022

So I finished all the only murders in the building

I really like that show
But more than that

Those apartments are great
What would it be like to live in a place like that
And then bunnies wall block with those bright flowers like who did that back in the '80s Mario Buata
I think the Mario's right but I don't think I have the last name right he was super famous he did all those intense colored chintzes

I never really was that into those they didn't make a lot of sense to me but I don't know it worked great and bunny's apartment

And that girl
Selena Gomez
I swear I feel like I've already seen her in something and loved her and like she's someone that I love
But I looked her up and I don't think I've seen any of her stuff
So am I conflating her with somebody else
And if so who
It's very disconcerting

And it gets dark too early now I don't like that
If it is 6:00 and it is dark that is just wrong
Perhaps you're going to tell me that that is the way it has always been the whole time I've been alive on this planet but I'm going to tell you that it is just not possible that every year this happens and I rail against it and it just continues to happen

And maybe that's something I'm feeling more generally that sense that things that must have always been some particular way
They just don't feel connected to previous times it's like I'm seeing things and I'm saying okay this is a cyclical thing so you know how is it that you're experiencing this as though you didn't know

It's like some sort of
Well I used to have this line
Patter really
And I had some sort of weather amnesia or I couldn't continue to live here
You know
It's meant to be kind of a non-threatening joke
It's not exactly self-deprecating
But it is sort of a personal roast

But at the same time
It's sort of a relatable thing you know like hey you know what it's like that every year you know the super hot weather comes back and you're like oh Jesus I forgot you know
If you live here you have that
And weather amnesia is you know not exactly what it is but you know kind of is it's it's not cutting-edge funny it's pattern you know

But that sort of feeling like weather amnesia getting dark early amnesia
Interacting with other people amnesia

I'm feeling a little disoriented generally

One of the things that I have
An issue I have
Is kind of a lack of being able to really connect with what I want
What do you want to do I don't know what do you want to do it's all fine whatever

You know what I mean I don't have
It's going to sound crazy to say I don't know what I like I don't know what I want
Because I spend a lot of time deciding exactly what I want in a variety of different ways

So even I can't explain to you how it is that I just don't know so much about myself
So I've been just kind of trying to connect with try to notice

happy now
I enjoy this or that thing
Or this or that thing is something I enjoy to look at
What I mean is I'm trying to make an awareness of those things as I'm experiencing them and like say it aloud or something to reinforce it in my mind but I might have to start writing it down because I can't think what those things have been

I still haven't found my hat

But now I'm trying to find out about Michael Harding watercolors
Supposedly they sell them at Jackson's
Only I can't look it up on the Jackson's website
If I look up Michael Harding watercolors or Michael Harding watercolor sets or a specific color
It doesn't bring anything up it's a zero results

But then if I look up Michael Harding watercolors it'll bring up those little boxes you know pictures and whatever that are from different websites that have that thing and one of them is Jackson's and it's a set city night
Yeah City night set
If I click on that set it'll take me to that set on the Jackson's website and if I happen to be logged on to my account at the Jacksons website then if I click add to cart then I'll add it to my cart and I can check out and buy it and they'll ship it to me and I can play with it
But I still can't look it up on their site

And they supposedly have a range of like 120 colors or I don't know 250 or some number between those two numbers I don't know I'm pretty sure it's more than 120 colors

But part of the reason why I'm so fascinated is that I saw The Italian watercolorist on YouTube that I watch she did a review for the city night set and I was like well I do not know that these are necessarily the colors I would be particularly drawn to

But I was just something about the way they painted out and the way she painted with them and the way they interacted with the paper and the water and the brush and everything it just it seemed very different

And then I saw an interview with Michael Harding actually I think I watched several interviews but they weren't like you know a journalist is interviewing him trying to break him it was it was like hey here's a guy who we sell his art supplies so maybe you want to know a little bit about him

And apparently he's had his oil paint line forever and he's been trying to come up with the watercolor line for 20 years but they hadn't gotten it right yet or whatever I don't know

It sounded more like that he had always wanted to do a watercolor line as well because and he was talking about and this is absolutely right but it's not something that gets talked about a lot but but like the old Masters right before they would do their giant fresco or painting on giant panels or canvases or you know whatever the big production thing they would do their sketch painting so they would you know see how the colors looked and you know get the blocking and everything it's a sketch but you know you're not doing a drawing you're doing a painting so the sketch for the painting should be in paint right and watercolor is essentially the same thing as oil except in oil paint your mulling the pigment into oil but in watercolor you're doing a much lighter binding with some gum Arabic and some glycerin and you know a couple other things depending upon your recipe you know

So he was talking about that he was interested in doing a watercolor line just because he's a paint guy you know and the way there's a way in which you know that would just be a thing

But you know it's not like watercolor has been wildly popular this entire time and it's expensive to launch a new brand of something
So it's not like it took him 20 years to develop this line of watercolors
It's more like it took 20 years for everything to come together to be at the right place at the right time
And you know the pigments well you know maybe he would find a pigment no kitty no
Maybe he would find a pigment that he thought would make a really beautiful watercolor but not such a beautiful oil or I don't know at any rate it was a process

And he was saying that when he paints he paints his oils like watercolors and his watercolors like oils
And I'm like what the f*** does that mean
But then I watched the video again where she's painting the Italian watercolor artist she's painting with the city night set and she's trying to make some mixes and the way she was mixing them it didn't look like the way you usually mix watercolors together it looked like the way you mix oil paints together you know and I was like okay well she's just doing that but it's like you know manipulating the little bits of pigment I don't know it was

So I'm not so crazy about the orange
And the funny thing is is I was also before I realized I was going to get the Michael Harding I saw a set of five in grams called shades of Summer and it was just scream in my name I have not been super happy with other m Graham paints that I have gotten everybody says it's like the best brand of paint but I have had issues

But anyway I don't want to get all into a compare and contrast with Michael Harding and m Graham That's not what I want to do so let's leave aside m Graham for right now

So this Michael Harding set it has this mostly opaque color called soft yellow light and it's kind of like a buff titanium color
Or a very pale naples yellow color it's just barely yellow kind of creamy colored warm
But pretty neutral but not white

And it's intriguing I've never really used a color like that I mean I've used some light yellows but I've never used like a buff titanium or a white or something in watercolor and even the Naples yellows I've had have not been pale like this One of the qor sets had a Naples yellow that was I don't know it was like black and white and something not actual Naples yellow

And that color just made me kind of uncomfortable
So I don't know the jury still out on this color for me
And I was kind of hoping to see more sets cuz I think he made more sets but like I said Jackson's only just had this one and I only seem to be able to get to it through some sort of weird you know wardrobe
But the second color is a very intense yellow like I'm really surprised I like it because it is really really intense and kind of unnatural but it's got this like radioactive glow to it and when I saw it on the video I was like man I might have to have that color then it's got an orange which they call permanent orange but is sometimes called pyrolle Scarlet  possibly I didn't spell that correctly

And I mean it is orange it's a red orange but it's orange
Then the next color
Kobalt teal
Really you spell Cobalt with a k
But it's an extremely granulating cobalt teal so while Cobalt teal is a color that I like and I have it in several different brands and they're all really pretty
And this one is maybe not my favorite color out of the whole bunch cuz it's made with PG50 and therefore maybe a little bit greener than some of them that are made with I want to say PB28 but that might not be right I mean I'm kind of a nerd about these pigments but it's possible that PB28 is oh
I was about to say it's possible that PB28 is cobalt blue but in fact that would not be a contradiction because Cobalt teal can either be made from cobalt green or cobalt blue so that makes sense but then I've also got PB 36 in my mind and maybe that cerulean blue I'm not certain but now I'm pretty sure like 75% sure that PB28 is cobalt blue anyway

So the yellow is very intense The orange is very intense lots and lots of pigment very bright The cobalt teal is like kind of delicate and I don't know it just doesn't seem like it's from the same galaxy as the first two and then the fifth color

Indian throne blue no in dandrone blue no Indian throne blue
Indanthrone blue

Pretty much every brand has some version and somehow more than one version of this color PB60
It's dark
And it's not especially red-leaning or green leaning it's a pretty middle of the road blue so if you're only going to have one blue on your pallet I mean and then throne PB60 would be an idiosyncratic choice but it will work for color mixing

But a lot of them have a big drawing shift so you paint them down and they're like this beautiful velvety intense blue
And then it dries and it's More like an okay but not really anything to write home about a little bit too dark blue

And I've been having a lot of trouble with blue choices
Because I'm thinking about it from two different perspectives One perspective is within each brand what are the limited palette of colors that I want to represent that brand for me like when I'm painting with shminka my schminka palette what are the blue or blues that I use for that

And in schmika they have two PB60s they have one that's processed a little brighter that they call delft Blue and they have one that they process very dark that they call dark blue
And they're both really pretty colors
But they both get kind of dull when they dry

And of course with shminka I don't have to actually make my choices from there regular line paints I've got the deep sea indigo and the deep sea green which is more of a green blue and this beautiful I can't remember which one it was maybe it was tundra blue maybe it was forest blue I don't know it's like an ultramarine blue but a really dark one with like a burnt umber blended into it or something so that the blue and the brown are together and it's it's very beautiful

In fact if I'm going to pick
I think what I would pick is there indigo and their pains gray bluish
Because the pains grant bluish is really blue and it's really dark and it's really pretty but they're indigo is and I mean it's probably the same no they're indigo
It's not super light fast because it includes the synthetic indigo pigment so whereas a lot of indigos are made with phthalo blue of one sort or another

But then the other way of looking at it is on the mixed paint palette where it's not
This is the shameka experience or this is the whatever experience but instead it's like this is the All Stars palette so it has to be a functional team
You can get different effects with different kinds of paints paints that have very different qualities
But in the All-Star team of paints can you have Michael Hardy play with other paints

I mean for sure that delicate Cobalt teal would work with other paint maybe
But the blue I don't know it's like next level
It is like the yellow only a very dark blue and there's something very aggressive about a dark blue that's that intense but like not even for a second going to dip into the black
You don't look at this and say is that a blue or is that a black not at all it is blue it is not violet it is not purple it is just blue blue blue blue but dark

I don't know I feel like this might just be the most beautiful blue ever

And then the sixth color is called Vine Black but it doesn't really look black to me I mean I guess in the mass tone it does but it's a pretty warm black and it's really more like gray it's a light black maybe it's a transparent black maybe

But when I first saw it painted out something about the granulation and the grittiness of it it just looked really beautiful and I can't explain and I've never been somebody who was interested in painting with black paint You mix your blacks so you get a more vibrant color or a less dead color but this one I don't know I could just see doing some studies with like maybe just this color or maybe just this color mixed with several other colors I mean I guess this is in a palette with five other colors but I don't really see mixing any of these colors so much with it I don't know but it's it's a good colors for night for city nightscapes it is really