Tuesday, November 15, 2022

I got this stuff
It's called like pineapple chia detox or something

It's got chia seed and some other sprouted seeds and some prebiotics some enzymes it's just like if you always got some probiotics too it's just like if you were going to make a thing to take everyday to help your gut health that's what this is

Now I think they're trying to sell it as some fancy thing cuz pineapple chia detox you know is in what way is it really a detox

I mean insofar as if you have fiber floating through your system like that it's able to capture some free floating yuck

But I mean it's kind of a detox in the same way that eating instant oatmeal would be a detox you know it's not really a detox

Detox is just a sexy word I guess

But I'm like hey that has good ingredients that's all the stuff I want
So I ordered it
Because my guts have just not been right
And maybe there are hormones I had something semi explained to me recently somewhere on the interwebs I'm sure that made it sound as though You have hormones or bits of hormones floating around that aren't maybe where they're supposed to be or aren't at the right levels and so they're functioning as a toxin in your system instead of functioning properly
I may not have gotten that quite right I don't know but that's the impression I got and so I was like well
I mean if stuff's not running smoothly
I figure you know that's fundamentals
That can be caused by something bigger or you can let it get further out of whack and it can cause something bigger but you know it's like a system
Not an isolated element
And fundamentals when things are not functioning properly
Are probiotics and prebiotics and fiber and enzymes

And it tastes really pleasant
And that is amazing to me because I have taken all kind of powdery mixes and I have largely hated them
They can taste like vanilla where they can taste like chocolate or they can taste like berry or they can taste like any number of other things but they always taste either just straight up nasty or so artificial that they may as well be straight up nasty You know what I'm saying The artificial flavor is not nice or to me than the nasty I mean it's a little bit better but not a lot better and not something I can hang with for any length of time

But this I stirred up in the water and it doesn't like all gelatin eyes or anything so it's just like water with particles that don't have any sort of nastiness about them they're just particles and the powder tastes like pineapple but not like you know you're eating a piece of pineapple and not like some kind of weird fake pineapple flavor but just like you know if you had dried pineapple with a bunch of other dried more or less flavorless things than the pineapple would just get kind of deluded and that's what it tastes like

And I find that enjoyable
And I think it's helping a little bit

But I was thinking about
A crazy scheme
With pineapple chia fiber and chlorella and wheatgrass
And maybe for dinner I have a salad
Or I don't know something
Like I start kind of obsessing and working out a plan where I have you know like five servings a day every you know like two or three hours or something and then for dinner I have a salad or one day I have a salad and one day I have you know I don't know brown rice or something

I suppose kind of a more simplified way of dealing with nourishment so you know don't make meals or whatever just take super foods
And I looked at the macros and I really do think that would work

I might do it I haven't decided
But I'm taking the detox

I also got a new tea
It's green tea I think from Jeju Island with tangerine from Jeju Island it's really nice although I left the tea bags in you know it's a it's a big mug so I use two tea bags probably be better with three tea bags but then you know there's only 20 bags in the box so I left the two tea bags in the whole time I was drinking it and when I got to the bottom like inch that had like cooled off and had soaked for a long time with tea bags in it that was like extra good
So probably if you brood it really strong and then let it cool down and drink it like that that would probably be super delicious