Tuesday, November 22, 2022

I feel as though stuff is happening around me like I'm the center of well no that's overly dramatic I was going to say like at the center of a hurricane in the eye of the storm everything seemed calm but they were strange noises in the distance

Right that's very dramatic and I don't really mean it like that at all but
Maybe I'm not scrolling through Twitter as much maybe I'm doing something differently so I'm seeing different things in my feed and not getting as much news

I mean I don't know
I just feel as though things are happening and I don't know what they are
So I'm seeing things that look like reactions to things but I don't know what the things are that are being reacted to

Or I'm finding out about them later or having more trouble finding out about them or something I'm not certain exactly what's going on

I'm not even sure that something is going on
I might just be having an awareness
Of something going on
That isn't based in reality

And then also
I'm not sure I knew what I was doing
When I agreed to work at the art shop
I feel as though
I might be making friends
And I'm having some strange feels about that