Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Kitty seems so much better this morning!

They left his cone off
and cleaned him up a little more
he has his catheter out
he didn't seem doped up
although I think they might still be giving him something
for pain
or to make him less aggressive

the plan is for him to come home today
I told him he has to pee
and he pretty much jumped right in the box
he doesn't like being watched
so I went ahead and left
because he was overstimulated and starting to bite anyway
but he got some good skritches

now I'm at a breakfast restaurant
I decided that that sounded good

I haven't taken any Tylenol or Ibuprofen for a couple days now
I had this fear that my nausea was
liver toxicity
seems unlikely
I've been taking those things a couple times a day for months now
and the hip is much better
it all hurts more
without pain killers
go figure