Tuesday, November 29, 2022

I've been taking that homeopathic osicillin that's not how you spell it but it's like that but with a lot more letters like more s's and more C's and more else but maybe you know what I'm talking about

But it's just been so long since I had a cold

And it's like
That's a tract
I get congestion and it goes down to my lungs and then I cough and cough and then I lose my voice because all of that is damaged I guess and it's healed enough that it works and stuff maybe not at 100%, but good enough you know but then it's weak and so it doesn't take much

But I haven't haven't lost my voice I'm trying really hard not to cough and I've started taking some elecampaign tincture
It helps get stuff out of your lungs
I took some earlier on
But I didn't want to start a full-on course of it until I was at a certain point because I didn't want to start coughing and coughing and coughing even more trying to get the stuff out if it was in a building phase you know where it was making more and more

But today I don't know I figured I was at a point where it'll probably built up all it was going to so I've been taking the elecampaign today
And I think I do feel it thickening contracting maybe
Now there are things that some people are good at and one thing that would seem like it would not take a great deal of skill to be good at would be hocking a loogie
But I have a lot of trouble expectorating
It's a source of some irritation to me
And it is a skill I have tried and tried and just never been able to accomplish at all it's shameful

No I have coughed and coughed and coughed so much that I've actually sort of thrown up and that's gotten a big ball of sputum out
But that is a f*** ton of drama for like an awfully small amount of biomass

And oh my God where is all this snot coming from

I mean literally I can blow my nose and blow my nose and blow my nose and there's no end to it there's no end to it

And my Kleenex is that save the trees bamboo stuff which is fine for my day-to-day Kleenex needs but my nose is getting pretty sore

And the idea that I would have in the before times just gone to work like this I'm not sick enough to not go to work in order to be sick enough to not go to work you have to be like basically unable to stand

But you know I called Lucy on Sunday and I was like hey and she's like you sound terrible did I already tell you this story

And I was like hey I'm sick
And in the before times I would have just taken a lot of DayQuil and gone to work
And most of the places I've worked have expected that
I'm like and I know that I'm working on Monday so you can have a day off
But I also know
That you got a lot of old people who are at risk in that building and I did not think you would want me to bring sickness

I feel as though I already told you this now
Also I'm pretty sure my wording has changed because I don't remember exactly what I said I'm paraphrasing myself

But she did not want me to come to work so I'm not been working
I have been spending more time in bed
But I do not feel that I'm kidding enough fluids

I'm eating soup
And then yesterday I was just like I want cheese I have a small block of 5-year age cheddar cheese and I want that
And so I ate it
And I'm like you know if you're trying to cut back on the amount of mucus that you have in your system cheese is really not the thing to eat
Cheese facilitates mucus
At best
At worst it causes mucus they were really disgusting process that I could go into if you like

That was a lie though because I don't really remember the process

But I was like no no I want this cheese I'm going to eat this cheese I don't want to hear about your nasty mucus process about pus in the dairy the mastitis and all that I know what you're talking about I don't remember the details very well but I remember it enough but I don't care this is organic and it's cheese

So there's that
And I did have an Apple one day because I was like oh Apple a day keeps the doctor away
Hahaha hahaha

And pumpkin English muffins
Although I got to say pumpkin English muffins
Probably the addition of the pumpkin changes the texture so they're not really much like pumpkin English muffins
I think of that puffy you know full of holes texture as being like really essential to what makes something an English muffin and these were delicious they are good as whatever they are but they are not English muffins

My vegan butter sits on top it doesn't gently go down into the crevices in the English muffin but it's okay cuz they're thick enough that you could soak up the vegan butter off the plate I love this vegan butter it's mykanos
That might not be right
It's kind of pricey
But I got a box from imperfect Thanksgiving week

To get all that pumpkiny goodness and whatever

And they had that vegan butter
And I had to get it
It's got cultured something
And it's got coconut oil and I don't know I don't know how they do it but it's like it melts at a lower temperature than regular butter which is always a source of irritation with my toasted materials

And it has that specifically cultured flavor
That makes it slightly more buttery tasting than butter
I guess maybe this just occurs to me
Remember margarine

I mean I think I stopped using margarine like 20 years ago
Actually I stopped using like regular commercial margarine longer ago than that but I used that what's it called

Smart oil
No that's not it hang on this is going to bother me I got to find out