Wednesday, November 16, 2022

So valour, apparently
at fifty five
In the '80s
I thought velor was cheap

In the '90s
I thought velor was crass

In the 2000s
I didn't notice it at all

Oh I see what I did there
Sounds like decade
Really two decades

But I got these jackets
Ever since I was in high school
I have liked to wear a certain type of jacket
A lot of times it gets called a cardigan
But actually it's a little bit more like a kimono
I got these hapi jackets at the Renaissance festival One was the great wave
You know the one I mean I can't remember the artist I could look it up
And that jacket might be the first time I ever saw that image I'm uncertain
The other was a tiger

Okay whatever I'm not sure how much of this is really necessary for the story I'm trying to tell

But I got these jackets toppers whatever you want to call them several years ago now their Isaac mizrahi and they're pima cotton
And then
Got a couple more jackets that were on sale that were Isaac mizrahi and they were like
a very very light kind of a sweater fabric
And I loved those

So then I saw these like final sale no return super ultra mega discount I don't remember what it was called but they were making a big deal about it and they were like not just one size too big but three sizes too big right and they were velor and one of them is a dark green but not really like a foresty green it's more of a blue green green blue The other one is a burgundy wine red color

And to unpack that a little bit My mother thought I looked good in Burgundy and forest green and she didn't want to buy me any clothes that were not those colors

I wanted to wear black
Punctuated with things like a red and turquoise and white and black jacket with the great wave on it right
Except maybe I hadn't quite found that yet but I was headed that direction you know
And my mother wanted me to wear burgundy and forest green velor

So I'm like you know you got these first two Isaac mizrahi jackets and you love them and have love them and continue to love them

You have the second two that you are coming back to again and again finding yourself really loving in the last I don't know not quite a year that I've had them

So then I saw these two and they're like huge oversize which I kind of enjoy and is kind of coming back in right

But then there you know this historical problematical fabric and these avoided colors so it's like how good are you Isaac can you make jackets that are so good that with all this baggage they can still be enjoyable

For $17 I'm willing to find out
Well it was $17 for each of them
But that's still pretty cheap
And I started off wearing them around the house as kind of like dressing gowns
But then it got a little bit cooler and I needed a light very light jacket and they're velor but they're they don't feel like that they feel great they don't feel cheap at all they feel
And the colors
They're not burgundy and forest green
The red and the pink are both punched up too much for it to just be like burgundy
And the green it's dancing on the edge of do you want to call it blue

It got cold
It's been in the '40s and '50s
It's f****** freezing
But instead of busting out my heavier jackets or maybe even my coat
I've been wearing these velor things
I'm wearing one now in the house