Sunday, November 13, 2022

Kitty is in the hospital
he had a blocked bladder
they're like
we are going to catheterize him
if we can't get the catheter in
we might have to do emergency surgery
which apparently involves
cutting off his penis
the whole day has been surreal
I didn't get much sleep

he didn't have to have surgery
I went for visiting hours
He's draining
They're also giving him fluids to try to flush him out
And they took culture samples to try to find out what the bacteria or infection or whatever

He had a cone around his head
And he kept trying to shake his arm to get the IV out
He was happy to see me
But then he was very distressed that I left
It's been so weird I've been looking for him all over the house today I know he's not here but I just kept looking for him anyway