Tuesday, November 29, 2022

My hair is like all fallen out
It was man I don't know what was going on with it it I guess it was dirty
But then I was taking showers like two times a day and getting it wet when it was dirty again and again and again and so it had taken on this waxy texture
And so this morning I'm like well you know you need to wash your hair

And I have three shampoos

One is a co-wash that I thought was going to be amazing and when I used it the first couple of times it did seem amazing

But then every time I used it it seemed less amazing
And my hair was starting to look kind of overconditioned and kind of yucky

And so then I ordered this on Amazon
I watched this whole video talking about how you know we've gotten afraid of soaps and that soaps are not bad and that sometimes you have to wash something and yes you shouldn't overdo it but blah blah

So I ordered this giant bottle of SpongeBob SquarePants like kid wash right it's for bubble bath or soap it up or washing your hair or whatever it's like I want to say it suave maybe like baby shampoo kind of formula but not that thick and it smells like strawberries

but it is gigantic like it is inconceivable to me that I would ever use this entire bottle it's gigantic

And the co-wash bottle since you're supposed to use it like all the time and you huge amounts so it's enormous as well

And then I have a third shampoo
I subscribe to ipsy
Not so much because I need a lot of little samples of things
But you know it's fun and you know I can't go to the Ulta and play with the makeup anymore since the pandemic and that's the thing I used to do a lot so I was like well you know it's not too expensive and they have all these like pop-up sales and whatnot where you can buy name brand things for much much cheaper so you know you're paying $13 a month to be a member of a club where you can buy you know an $80 serum for $18 right and then you also get some samples That's kind of the way I'm looking at it because the $13 a month what they send you it's not really maybe worth it to me because I have very idiosyncratic taste and when I joined before I kept telling them hey I don't like this I don't want this blah blah and they would send it to me you know a mascara and a black eyeliner every single bag right

But now they've actually done a pretty good job of giving me what I say I want and I think part of the reason for that is they have as the trend has gotten more skin care instead of makeup although I mean people are still wearing makeup but that's just not where the the content is right now you know

So I don't know
I don't really need a lot of new products now I've pretty much got my routine down to a thing that I like although there are more items that I like

I really wanted to get my skin care routine simplified
But I have found that not only does my skin seem to do better if it gets a little bit of a variety
I also enjoy more products than I would care to use every single day so

But I got this stuff it's one of those like $80 things for 18 it's the best smelling thing in the world

Okay that was a subjective statement obviously

Two of my favorite smells that I would buy something because it smelled like one of them maybe or that would sway me towards that product possibly

Black cumin
Blue tansy

This product and the company that makes it is called blunt 
which is adorable 
it's ISOLATE pure CBD balancing face oil

It's got good solid ingredients
And then it's also got the CBD isolate
So if that does anything for your skin which I'm not sure whether it does

But I do not care because I am rubbing it on my face because it smells like heaven

I really like the bottle packaging too it's kind of funky

But I have had a marked reduction in breakouts
Like my skin is getting clearer and clearer and better and better
And I'm still picking but there's less to pick and so I'm not f****** myself up when I'm here all stressed out sick

And there are two things and I don't know if I've told you this either but I'm going to tell you anyway there are two things that have been really helping me with my skin Yes I did tell you this
About the Manuka and tea tree

I told you about that but I don't think I told you about the oil
The other thing
Was I started using Olena oil
And I had used it before
And I noticed that it would calm redness but I didn't particularly notice any difference in breakouts but I don't remember what kind of breakouts I was having at that point and just don't remember enough about the situation when I was using it before I knew it was a valuable good oil and it smelled kind of earthy and it was like yeah okay whatever

But then something made me think
Did this oil was going to do something magic for me
Maybe it was I know I've just lost it I don't know what my thought process was
I know it involved that it's got turmeric
And noni
I know I read something from the founder of the company talking about how that she had made that as her family's like first aid kit oil cuz she's studied native medicines and that was what she put together with native Hawaiian medicine

And that she also said that it cleared up skin like breakouts and stuff

But there may have been some other factors that went into it because I was pretty happy with my routine so I don't know why I decided I needed this but at any rate I started using that and it's just been better and better I mean like I told you that creepiness is gone and

I kind of go back and forth and back and forth but I actually don't think that all those peptides and you know pre-cogens and science science blah blah I am very prone to getting curious and wanting to try those things especially if I read some kind of a political bit that seems to make sense

But my skin tends to respond better to
Simpler formulas
Things that are a little more natural

I belong to that beauty pie that's what it's called I belong to that beauty pie for a while and I ordered a few things from them and it was you know

They are exactly what they say they are
If you listen to what they say they are
If you would go to a department store and buy you know and Armani foundation or a Chanel cream right then what you will get with their line is exactly that sort of texture and scent and you know all of the things that you would want to get from that experience You will get from their products

The thing is is that that is not what I look for from products

All those silicone send
You know they're saying it's green beauty or no maybe they're not saying it's green beauty there maybe they're saying it's clean beauty but you know
Would I am looking at a label if it's like silicone emulsifier silicone text your stabilizer preservative three really impressive sounding ingredients

Well see this is saying to me this doesn't have any beneficial ingredients I mean if it's got less beneficial ingredients then the preservative it better be a very powerful ingredient to be used at like a 1% solution

And I don't want it to have all those things the silicones and stuff cuz I'm okay with something being oily or you know one of the many textures that you get with more green beauty

I mean I got to say
As far as products go

Good Lord
This is an aside from the third shampoo
Okay the third shampoo
Is made by ipsy's house brand which is called refreshments which actually are really good
I mean like I had already done the face wipe part of my life and I decided you know that what I liked the best was honest beauty baby wipes that you know they wouldn't clean makeup off by themselves so they weren't really face wipes but if you were doing an oil cleanse you could then clean the oil off with those so they worked fine

But then ipsy sent me a free sample of their some kind of promotional thing of their face wipes
And I just straight up love them

And I tried the shampoo
It's a strengthening shampoo with like quinoa protein or something

And after the first time I used it I'm like oh I love this My hair looked better than it had looked in years and years and it smells like lavender it's in a kind of a funky patterned tube it's also pretty good size

But today my hair was so dirty
And all of the refreshment stuff meet the highest standards of The most strident Gen z TikToker

So my hair was so dirty I wasn't sure how good at cleaning this wonderful shampoo is
So I just went back to that one
But now my hair is all falling out and it seems

Well I say it seems thinner but it was all waxy or whatever
I kind of like it when it's like that when it's all waxy and it'll stand up crazy and it feels like so much more hair

But also if you just want advice on really good products Pacifica has some really good stuff
They also have some not good stuff
I think the lady who runs their company is a cancer still kind of person

It's and I think what they do
I don't know this for sure
But I think what they do is they just start new lines and start new lines with each new trendy thing that comes along
And then if they don't sell they just stop making it I think that's what happens and I guess that's what everybody does but that's not what everybody does

I have used retinol
And I am no longer certain that retinol really does anything for my skin
I'm thinking maybe it doesn't make the conversions
Because in order for the retinol to be used by your skin it has to be broken down in two steps

And the fact that I've never really had a peel from retinol at all makes me think that my skin just does not make in that conversion

That's why years ago I was surprised that I was having a little bit of appeal from the HPR because I did not think that was supposed to be as strong as retinol and they're like oh we don't know whether it works or not
But that's a derivative of retinol that your body doesn't have to do as much to convert and you know it's maybe not as strong it doesn't not supposed to irritate your skin but it's still supposed to do good things

And it was popular a while ago
In the ordinary had a version
I mean they still do
But I don't know if they were the first ones to have a version I sort of don't think so they were the maybe the first ones to have a huge target audience I don't know

Anyway it was popular and then it kind of fell out of favor but now some people are starting to use it again and Pacifica did this formula

And I think that's what I like about Pacifica when I'm reading the labels I'm like going yeah I see that you know so this cream it has the HPR it's got sunflower seed oil which helps if you have clogged pores it helps unclog them it's a nice neutral oil it's got chaga mushrooms which have all kind of healing stuff
And I have been trying to get a chaga mushroom thing into my routine for years years right

But then this also has melatonin right and I'm like okay well melatonin I don't know what does that do for your skin I don't know
but then it also has quinoa in it right and you know it's I don't know how much keenwood has in it but you know it's decent on the ingredient list I mean everything on the ingredient list is you know pretty good stuff

But when I started using this stuff I was like oh this stuff is great I think this is doing more than all the fancies mancy ratanoid things I was using that I had spent a lot more money on I mean you use this cream up pretty fast cuz it's not a very heavy cream and I'm an old woman that was a joke

I have always had very strange
Well I mean maybe it isn't strange I don't know
I don't really like soapy cleansers that feels I mean sometimes it's nice but I I don't really like them I have not traditionally liked them

That just feels kind of stripping or I don't know not moisturizing enough
Traditionally I have preferred milky cleansers
When I was younger if I used a Milky cleanser that felt good and then I would use a little bit more astringent toner

And that would seem to balance things out nicely and I would after serums became a thing sometimes I would just wear serums and I wouldn't wear a cream

Sometimes I would wear a cream

I feel like I did predominantly when I was growing up where some kind of moisturizer
But I'm having a hard time remembering one specific one
At least after I stopped using that Rose milk

I feel like when I was younger
I was more into texture and whatnot
And I definitely did buy my share of department store products
But I also like the health food store

Then I've got a couple of things from surreal skin care that are really good
And the owner
I can't remember her name right now
She changed the formula
On I think two different products that I liked
And I was all ready to be butt hurt about one of them
Because one was from the experimental lab and the whole point of those is that there works in progress You can't get angry if the formula of one of those changes You could get angry if it's not as good
But the other one was a regular
Like regular cast of players product
And I was like oh no The formula changed
But it's better
It's for sure better

And then I found this stuff on Amazon when I was looking for all my weird medicine cabinet from around the world adventure I found that propolis tincture ointment I guess
And that stuff is amazing I mean it's just amazing

That Mary Kay product that I tried when I was in I don't know second grade maybe
That was basically pink Vaseline I was having a really hard time remembering the word Vaseline

But this is a thinner texture of petrolatum and it has that tincture so it has a little bit of alcohol so I don't know it just has this texture I put like I don't know a half an inch maybe on my finger and I rub it in my hands and then I press it into my face so I'm not like rubbing a huge quantity of vaseline all over my face right but you know if it'll have that texture but it's just a very light coat right

And so on the one hand that holds in whatever goodness I put on before it
As like a slugging layer except not really thick enough to be a slugging layer
But then also that propolis it gives you kind of a glow and it has a lot of trace nutrients and whatever