It was a religious show-- it was supposed to scare me with depravity, not inspire.
And I just saw a commercial put out by UAW that made me feel as close to that as I have since that time-- the only specific time television thing I can remember from that time was OKC bombing, so that's when I was seeing those fake news shows. The UAW commercial is talking to union members I guess specifically, but it also feels like it's trying to be talking to everyone who isn't a corporate or money'd interest-- real folks. And it feels like it's saying something that's been echoing through my soul forever but I can't recall having heard.
I thought
really, I should explain first
I visualize this giant pendulum
and I've been watching it swing right since 80
in 2008 I thought maybe
we were headed back the other direction
then we got t*ump
I thought
we had to get to beyond horizontal before I get to hear the commercial I've been waiting my whole life to hear.