Friday, April 23, 2021

So I didn't sleep very well
I woke up like every 2 hours
And I would say that I woke up every 2 hours because I had to pee but I don't think that's why I woke up I just did pee while I was up
I suspect my sleep cycles are 2 hours instead of an hour and a half like they're supposed to be
And so when I'm not sleeping restfully I just wake up every 2 hours
I just had the fan on because it was like in the 60s so there was no need for the air conditioning but then when I leave the fan on when it's that cool I have extra blankets
Because I mean I think my metabolism is slow normally I'm not normally 98.6
But when I sleep I think I go down a lot more than that so I get cold traditionally
And yesterday I was colder
So in addition to my regular blankets I put on a polar fleece blanket
But I set my alarm for like 8:00 cuz I just wanted to kind of check in with myself 
And when I woke up I was covered in sweat
Now it's not possible for me to completely isolate that from night sweats but it doesn't seem like quite that much sweat
But there's another front coming so it's super super humid and it's warmed up a little from the night so I don't know whether the sweating means that I had a little bit of fever that broke or whether it's just too many blankets and not cool enough room temperature or whether it's hormones it's impossible for me to really isolate that

Also I have a headache but it's impossible for me to isolate that as well
My arm still hurts but doesn't seem quite as bad as it was
I'm not specifically super achy but all of my large muscles seem fatigued is the best word I can use like it's just a little too much energy needed to move them around
I feel distinctly unwell but not specifically sick
Slightly clammy maybe
There's definitely kind of a buzzing in my head if I woke up like this I would say oh I'm getting sick but I wouldn't say that I was sick you know
But I probably would think that I should not do anything

So All in all not too bad I guess
I think I'm going to stay in bed for a little while