Thursday, April 8, 2021

Okay well I'm not going to the studio today
Clearly my asleep mine knows the difference between gee I really want to paint but I don't really know what I'm painting and
Some scenario where I would need to get up and go paint because it didn't get up

I don't know why I think I'm still capable of staying up all night and then getting up and like a few hours and doing things I don't seem to be able to really do that anymore
My body says we need eight or nine hours of sleep and we're going to get it and we don't really care what you say

That seems to be how it works anyway

Oh wow and I'm doing this thing
I used to have this in high school song no not high school college where I wouldn't get enough sleep and I would get up and I'd be moving around but my brain would be still kind of halfway dreaming and so I would hallucinate

And I'm not exactly hallucinating but I'm starting to tell you things that turn into other things I just was going to do one and now I can't remember what it was

It's like whatever I'm starting to say my mind makes it up something else to go after it makes it into a completely different thing

I mean I'm awake but I'm laying down so maybe I'm not really that awake

I feel like this is kind of a vicious cycle I've gotten myself into I'm going to need to go to bed earlier
If I want to get up