Monday, April 26, 2021

So I had this dream
It was pretty enjoyable while I was having it
But then I woke up
I think because I had to pee
I wasn't so sure that I liked it anymore

I dreamed that I got married
But I was marrying a woman
And we've been living together for a while and we were pretty happy together I think
And then just all of a sudden
We decided to get married
I'm not really sure why
And what the dream was mostly about
Was it was kind of an L word situation
We were living in a community and we were friends with lots of people in the community and

We got married in like a week
Wasn't like a big long drawn-out planning and ceremony and whatever it was just this very informal thing that we did
And all the different people that we knew contributed some part
It was really happy and joyful and beautiful

But then I woke up and I'm like well that seems wrong
And although the character that was "me"
Wasn't really very much like me
I was kind of upset because I wasn't marrying you
And if I'm going to dream about getting married
It felt like I should be dreaming about you

And I know I know when dreams people can be different people and whatever and maybe this person I was marrying was you in the same way that I didn't seem like me
But it just kind of upset me

And I slept a really long time