Thursday, April 1, 2021

I'm falling asleep in the chair
I got to go to bed
I'll talk to you in the morning sweetheart
I didn't go to the studio today
I wanted to I had paints all set up and ready to take that those super granulating paints and I got some medium so that they should flow like the qor paints do
It's qor medium
Because even though I don't necessarily like the colors of that paint quite as well with some of the other colors that paint flows the way I think watercolor should flow
And like I have some Daniel Smith paints no no not Daniel Smith DaVinci I have some DaVinci paints that are very pigmented and the color is very beautiful and I love them but they don't flow at all and you know that wasn't bad before I found the paints that did flow but now I want everything to float like that because that was what I was expecting watercolor to do

And when I got those paints I had what I consider to be like a kind of a quantum leap in my watercolor painting ability because it would do the stuff I was trying to do
But then I've got those shminke paints
And I haven't really done very much with them
And you may remember I got them all poured into that palette except for two of them and they've been drying and whatever but about the time that I was going to take them was about the time I got really involved with the qor paints

And whatever
but had that stuff all packed up and ready to go and I was ready and whatever and I didn't really know what time to be expecting her and I was toying with the idea of just driving myself over there but then she called me and she's like it's supposed to rain all afternoon let's not go

And it wasn't supposed to rain all afternoon and it didn't rain at all and there wasn't mean like if you looked up a forecast for the day there wasn't rain forecast so she didn't want to go for some reason I think she was doing something else cuz she said she was she hired somebody to help her work in the garden and she was going to be working in the garden this morning and so I wasn't sure what time she was going to be picking me up cuz she said she'd pick me up at noon but you know it's a crap shoot
But she called me at like 10:30 and said let's not do it
and I thought about going over there without her but then I was like well you know I don't really know she's lying to me so I don't really know whether she just doesn't want me at the studio or whether she doesn't want to go to the studio or what's going on and maybe I should have called her and had a whole big conversation about it I don't know I was not thinking like that

So then I didn't go
I did other things
I'm not sure they were super productive things
But whatever
So I didn't work on my painting

Anyway I'm going to sleep now
I love you very much
I'll talk to you in the morning
Sleep well sweetheart πŸ’‹