Monday, April 26, 2021

I dreamed I was at a gallery
I'm not exactly sure if I worked there
Or if it was my uncle's gallery
But somebody wanted a donation
And so I was trying to help them
And what it actually was that I was giving them
Kept kind of changing slightly
First it was a piece of art
And then it seemed like it was
Assigned autograph or something and I don't know
And I kept trying to figure out how to represent exactly what it was that I had given them because I assumed my uncle would need some kind of tax information

And then the person I was donating it to was in the corner arguing with two other people
And they weren't being very quiet about arguing
And it turned out that this whole thing was just to get like information
Because of some kind of investigation
And that caught me all been out of shape
And I was kind of scolding them about trying to get a donation or whatever falsely

And then
She started telling me all this stuff about how I was like sexually assaulting young men
And I'm like what the hell are you talking about
And she was going on and on about how she'd seen me doing this and that and the other thing and what she was describing was just like being friendly with customers kind of thing
You know vaguely flattering and vaguely flirty

And like how is that sexual assault That's just being friendly

It was weird

Also before that
Maybe I was in my car
Maybe I was standing in the yard I'm not really sure
But there was this car that kept driving around and it was a like a truck but instead of having the back with all the place to put stuff it had like one little seat for the cab and the whole rest of the front wasn't there
And then on the back it had like a
A slide on living area
I can RV or something
I just kept driving around and a crazy person
And that had some significance to me in the dream but I don't remember what it was