Thursday, April 1, 2021

Well the weather has changed again
And I have a headache
But it's really beautiful outside
I had planned to get up
But I got up and went to the bathroom and wandered around
I did decide what I really wanted to do was lay back down in bed with the fan blowing on me
So I did that for a little while checking my phone and then I fell back asleep
Then I got up and I made an omelet
And had a cup of coffee
And now I'm having another a cup of coffee

And I feel this certain kind of way
Like if everything can just stay under this level
And I can't explain exactly what I mean by that but I think it's not exactly stress
Not exactly activity
But somewhere in the neighborhood of those things like if everything can just stay on this vibration then I can feel really good
But if it kind of leaves that range then the headache is going to be bad and the situation is not going to be pleasant and I'm going to I don't know not freak out exactly
It's a very strange sensation
I kind of wish I had a pool I could go lay around
Even though since I burn instantly that's not a thing that I've had really experience with

Ooh I'm reading my news feed is it flashes on my computer and it's kind of bizarre
Some Emmy award winner was found dead buried in debris in her house but I didn't flash too fast for me to see who it was
And something about Kim Kardashian's divorce lawyers
something about a dog thrown in a river with a rock tide around its neck
And a bunch of people on a beach
And some van life influencer dies of suicide at 28
and Sharon Stone had a secret abortion at 18
And an ex-paramedic uses eye drops to kill his wife

I mean I don't I don't know
I mean I thought I usually looked at the news feed scroll but actually to be honest with you probably not for this long I probably only look at it for like a few seconds before I click on something but now I'm talking on my phone
Well dictating I mean

Wow low tonight of 43

I guess I'm in kind of a strange mood though