Saturday, April 24, 2021

I'm going to go to sleep now
I love you very much
I'd say I'm most of the way over it
My arm still hurts but mostly just if I touch it
I'm still kind of tired
But I don't feel overly
Muscle fatigue-y
One thing that I didn't mention before
That has been a side effect of this second shot
Is pain specifically
In like old wounds
Not really old old wounds
But like where my cat cut my leg that was hurting really bad the last couple of days
Now my breast hurts where I had the cyst

It's a little disconcerting

But I was worried that the second shot was going to be really bad
Since I had a fair number of symptoms on the first one
But I wouldn't say it was a lot worse
The fatigue and the muscle aches were worse
But the dizziness and the nausea and some of the other things were much less
Someone balance I wouldn't say it was really much worse
But it was distinctly different
And I did end up taking immune stimulants
Just not the first day

Goodnight sweetheart
I love you very much πŸ’‹