Monday, April 5, 2021

So I was going to do the egg diet and I was doing fine except my stomach is upset and I don't want eggs but other than that great
But then I just decided to take some tinctures in emergen-C
Because you know I haven't had any emergen-C
And I just felt like I needed some vitamins you know
And then after I took the tinctures then I thought to check and see how many carbs were in the emergen-C
And I took two packets and it's like 10 carbs
So now I'm not sure whether to even bother to do it tomorrow because I cannot tell you how much I do not want eggs
But I don't know I might go ahead and try it even though I had those 10 carbs

So I found that recipe for the healthy bread that uses the yeast and I was like well you know there's doesn't look like it really rose much I mean there was a little but it didn't rise much and I haven't had very good luck with that under the best of circumstances so I was kind of dubious and I was like wow I don't know

And I was trying to decide between the bread that's made with the vital wheat gluten that might actually make a bagel that might actually be bagel like enough to be worth bothering with
But then I thought no probably the gluten is not good for you I do have less joint pain quite a bit less joint pain and maybe that's from not eating toast I don't know My stomach is upset it's been upset off and on for the whole 2 weeks
And my digestion which normally
Really pretty good
I mean it could be better
Since I've been eating meat it's not as good as it would normally be
But it's been just terrible for the last couple weeks

So I want to go back to the kind of food that I like to eat which is kind of freaky health food
I've not been doing it during this whole thing because you know
At first supply chain
And then wanting to keep expenses down whatever I don't know but
I do still think I want to eat a little bit of meat and fish but less less than I have been
I'm just going to look for less expensive ways to do freaky health food
I mean I've been doing soy milk
And I've been doing brown rice
And those things work for me
But that buckwheat bread I don't know about it as a bread it doesn't really look like a bread to me what it looks like to me is a muffin base
So I'm thinking I can use that and kind of modify it a little bit add something to it
I like muffins
I don't make them cuz you know they're kind of a pain in the ass
But you know if I can make something that's high protein and low glycemic
But super healthy
Eating nutrient dense foods
And only nutrient-dense foods
Is what works for me before

Now the most weight I ever lost in any period of time was this thing I went on and actually I may have combined a supplement with this food thing but
It was some kind of system where you made these shakes and you just made it with the powder and like ice I don't even remember if it used any water cuz they were really thick but maybe there was a little water but you had these shakes like every 3 hours and they had you know vitamins and some kind of protein and whatever I don't know I don't remember exactly what kind of configuration it was I think it was kind of a zone diet
And they had shakes and they had bars and then you had I think one meal a day that was you know not enormous it was like maybe 3 oz of meat and then all the vegetables you wanted or something or maybe it was just eat whatever you normally eat for dinner I don't remember now this was like maybe 98 or 99 when I did this

But it was so inconvenient
To have to eat every 3 hours
And the thing is is that I mean when it would be like 2 hours and 45 minutes I was starving
Like hungrier than I normally ever am like ravenous and all I can think is that it sped up my metabolism or something
But I lost like 30 lb in 2 weeks doing that
Maybe it was 3 weeks but the most weight I had ever lost in a short period of time
But it was expensive and it was really inconvenient and I just didn't continue with it
Although the shakes were really delicious
And the bars were really delicious I really can't tell you why I didn't continue with it now I have many times over the years tried to look for it again and I just can't remember who makes it

But I'm going to go back to nutrient dense
I feel like I can't go wrong with that
And I love the taste of buckwheat
When I was a kid I used to really like buckwheat pancakes although everybody thought that was weird
So I'll figure out some kind of modified muffin that I can eat with the buckwheat stuff
And I'm a little too dubious about the tastiness of the quinoa and chia bread
I mean I've eaten quinoa
It's healthy
And that's about all I can say for it it really doesn't have much flavor
And chia is really healthy
And it really doesn't have much flavor
and when I tried making pancakes with chia eggs because I didn't have eggs one time I mean it worked it made pancakes but they didn't taste right so I don't know about the quinoa chia bread
My suspicion is that doesn't have a lot of flavor but it could be tweaked
Maybe some sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds
Maybe some rosemary
I don't know it looked like it had enough of a bread texture that it would work

But that yeasty one did not look like it rose enough to be big enough slices that you could toast it and what I want is toast
However it does look like it would be an excellent like focaccia bread or pizza dough so I may give that a try arrowroot has all kind of health benefits

And almond flour is very dense maybe that the lupin flour is less dense although since it's a legume maybe not

But yeah I'm not a big fan of the non-green based eating plan
I know that I could be wrong about the grain base being good you know I mean maybe it's evil and bad and maybe I'm slightly influenced by the fact that when I was a kid grain was the bottom of the pyramid and you know a lot of the plant-based stuff for health food is grain based

And you know macrobiotic I like macrobiotic food and I could totally do that but they don't believe in salad or raw fruits and vegetables at all
And fruit is problematical it is
If you are healthy and you are highly active then fruit may be very good for you
But if you have any sort of health issues fruit becomes bad for a lot of them
I mean like cancer the fruit actually can feed some forms of cancer
And if your diabetic or you have metabolic syndrome well fruit is a problem there too

And I'm not so fussed about fruit to be honest with you I like fruit but it doesn't necessarily like me back except for citrus I'm never had any problem with citrus
And I know that they say you're not supposed to have fruit without the fiber
And I know they say that fruit juice is bad
But when I had that bottle of fruit juice in the refrigerator and I would just every once in awhile go in and take a swig of it that seemed like it was working pretty well for me

I do probably eat potatoes more often than I should
And gluten may be bad for me although I don't have celiac it doesn't cause me any sort of problems as far as digestive problems or whatever
But it's possible that it does cause inflammation

I don't know I just feel like the freakier I am the happier I am and I feel kind of depressed
And of all the different diet things that I've tried to be honest with you this has been the least impressive so I can't see how this is the answer
Although you could say maybe I haven't done it right
But still even if I've had higher carbs than the 20 a day they say I've still had astronomically lower carbs than what I normally have so you still think

So whatever
I'm going to go to sleep now
I love you very much
Sleep well sweetheart πŸ’‹