Sunday, April 25, 2021

So I guess I'm feeling better since I could stay up all night
I still have a headache
I just said that and what the thing heard was stop headache
And while yes I agree stop headache
That wasn't what I had said

I've got bad munchies
There's no reason for them
But I want popcorn with butter and salt
And Cheetos
And smoked almonds
And that's it I guess
I guess I just want salty things
I wonder if that means I'm dehydrated or need electrolytes or something

My arm is almost not sore it's really only sore if you press on it The muscle is tight where the shot was
I'm just a tiny little bit warmer than the rest of me

And I'm tired
But you know I've been up all day
Well I guess not all day but I got up at like 11:30 or something
I'm having some mood too
I'm not sure exactly how to quantify it
I mean on the one hand I'm super happy
Because that was shot number two
So now it's just less than 2 weeks
Before I'm theoretically
Not needing to worry about covid
Now is that true I don't know
They're still variants
And I don't think the shots make you 100% protected but I think it's supposed to be like 90 or 95% protected from the major strain
And like 60 to 70% protected from the variance maybe
So if you still mostly wear a mask
Probably you're good
And they say if you've been vaccinated then even if you get it it doesn't going to be the horrible kind where you got to be hospitalized and you maybe die so that's encouraging

And I just keep thinking
I can go to a restaurant
I don't want to go like everyday I don't want to go like all the time I just want to go once
I mean I'm sure I want to go again but I'm not like wanting to get back to the way things were or whatever that means
I just want to go
To the chiaroscuria
That may not be what it's called but it's something like that it's the dancing meat place that's where I want to go
I want to get back to eating vegetarian
But maybe it needs to be vegan
Maybe it needs to be everyday vegan with some vacations from vegan
Because I don't think I can be happy as a vegan full-time
But I can see where Dairy might be a problem
And where that might lead to a decrease in health

And I love dairy
And I eat a lot of dairy
I mean I guess not as much since I've been eating meat

And I'm strongly considering doing a 3-hour diet
But I just got to figure out
What am I eating every 3 hours
Cuz I don't have those shakes
I don't know

I love you very much
I'm glad I don't care about the Oscars
Or I might be upset that I hadn't seen any of the movies
But I really don't like them
I see them as being very political
And people win for things that they don't deserve because they didn't get it when they did deserve it because it went to somebody else
That was just kind of an opinion I formed really when I was still a child
But I just don't feel for them the way I used to when I was a kid
I used to really love the Oscars
And I love the Miss America pageant
And it was about the same time
That I just stopped thinking either one of them was something I really needed to be involved with

Not for the same reason
But it seems adjacent somehow
And now
I'm not even really sure
How I feel about the idea of awards of any kind
I mean I know people want to be rewarded for really great work
But I don't know maybe it devalues all the work to try to put it into a comparative format
Maybe I'm just
Still impaired by the vaccine I don't know
Does that make any sense

Also I don't remember mentioning this but maybe I've already mentioned it to you
But lately I've started being really offended when people say cat owners or really pet owners of any kind because I don't think of your pet as a possession a thing that you own you wouldn't own your children you wouldn't own your friends it's offensive to me the idea of pet ownership I mean calling them a pet is already iffy

Anyway I'm falling asleep in the chair now
I love you very much sweetheart
Goodnight πŸ’‹