Wednesday, April 28, 2021

I guess I've been up about an hour
Except I'm not really up cuz I'm back in the bed
I'm not saying that this is still the shot I don't see how it could be still the shot
But I feel pretty convincingly sick somehow
I don't feel like it's food poisoning
Because I don't see what I could possibly have eaten
But my guts hurt
When I stand up I'm kind of shaky

My head hurts in my back hurts too but
Those things are not necessarily

I suppose it could be hormones
I just don't know
I keep having this feeling like
You're just faking it
But I really do feel bad
And I took Pepto before I went to bed
And now I'm not sure that was the right decision
Cuz I just feel like it's holding it in
When it desperately needs to come out
And I can hear it gurgling
It's just kind of grossing me out