Sunday, January 31, 2021

Okay so this dream that went on for a long time and it seemed to be about organic foods and lifestyle I guess
People kept modifying things to make them supposedly organic
And various different ways
And I don't remember all the ways
But there were these two girls and maybe they were in college I'm not even sure they were in college but they had this machine and I'm not sure where they got the machine or how they got the machine but they were altering things
And people really liked what they were coming up with so they just kept doing it
They would produce big batches of things but I'm not sure they had the ability to replicate any of the things they were doing
In the machine it was kind of a spinning cylinder somehow
and there was one point in the dream where the one girl she just was spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning
And then suddenly
Oxnard Apple
And it was kind of big
And tall
And angular
And somewhere between yellow and green in color
And people wanted it
I mean they really wanted it
And they were trying to figure out how they could grow big crops of it but they couldn't
Cuz they weren't making organic food That's just what everyone was calling it but it wasn't it was actually designer genetically modified food
And that's what everybody wanted
Organic food

Then there was another part
There was a big trend
Using all these maybe natural scented items
So like you're bathroom experience in the morning
Your home morning routine with skin care
But more importantly like the whole sensory experience
your bathroom was supposed to be this little separate building that had a lot of glass so you could see the natural world and so people started building them as like these separate structures that they walked out to and had this morning's in like experience
It was like manipulating your moods for the day with products
And of course probably too many products to be actually healthy

And then
I'm not sure if it was a trend
Or if it was just a thing that was happening where I was but
Like people would be living in a section of someone else's house
And as part of their living there they would have functions they had to perform like they lived across the hall from the children's rooms so if the children had any problems or woke up in the night they had to go take care of them
And I was like I really don't see how this is compatible with the whole bathroom thing
Like you don't even have your own individual place to live but you're supposed to have this whole individual bathroom situation
Oh and then they decided
And I'm not sure again if this is something that everybody was doing or if it was just where I was
But they decided that the bathroom
Was separated it's two very different functions
The skincare and the morning routine with all the different scents and everything that was one part
And that was very ritualized but very conceptualized and productive and whatever

But the actual bodily function part
That you were supposed to do like you were producing fertilizer for some sort of very posh garden
Using certain soils to go into and certain sorts of leaves to wipe with
And I just could not deal with it

And then there was this other part
Were birds or doing some kind of news
and they were walking around on the stainless steel counter service area
And I was talking to someone
To all these dreams I didn't really seem like me it was more like I was a character in the dream and I was just looking through their eyes but it wasn't actually me
But then in this section I was talking to someone in it seemed like it was you but didn't really look like you either
And you were telling me how the birds were becoming more and more
I'm not sure if it was intelligent
Or genetically uplifted it's had something to do with genetics
17% increase in something
Maybe the DNA they shared with us
And I kept wiping down the counters
And trying to look the birds in the eye

and I'm not sure I've gotten this all in the right order I actually think it ended with Oxnard Apple