Wednesday, January 27, 2021

So I woke up at 2:00
And I heated up some soup
Drink a bunch of iced tea
Cuz I was feeling really dehydrated
And I also had some off-brand emergen-C
Took some vitamins I mean their vitamins in that that c vitamins and b vitamins I also took a d and an e and some magnesium and I was going to get up and stay up because I slept like 11 hours or something but my head still really hurts
I mean no it's been worse but I just feel I don't know not right
I don't think I feel sick
I just think I have like a mild migraine
I don't have to be in the dark but the light just seems very oppressive
And I feel very brain foggy
so I'm toying with the idea of going back to sleep even though that seems crazy
And when I sleep for long periods of time my back tends to hurt
But I mean I could get four more hours of sleep and maybe if I took aspirin and went back to bed maybe I would feel better I don't know
I'm just very out of sync and I don't seem to be able to get back into sync
And I don't know if I sleep more if that will make me feel more or less tired
I don't know it's very odd

The idea of staying up doesn't seem that appealing and the idea of going back to sleep does so I guess I'm going to go back to sleep

I love you sweetheart πŸ’‹

I really hope I can snap myself out of whatever the f*** is going on with me