Saturday, January 2, 2021

I love you sweetheart
I slept in today again after staying up late and I was going to go to sleep earlier but I didn't
I didn't really do much today I kind of took the day off and I was going to make a lot of you know not necessarily vision boards but I was going to do a lot of visualization and I I didn't really
I got a little derailed today
I did have fish and brown rice and broccoli for dinner which was awesome
But you know
I let myself go down a thought tree that I probably shouldn't have
So anyway I love you very much I hope you're doing all right I have some actual stuff I've got to do tomorrow so I need to sleep fast
I had really weird dreams
Not bad though
But strange
And I was working at some store that was different somehow than things I normally dream
But I had to pee really bad and by the time I got done doing that I couldn't remember
It's weird how you think the dreams are going to stick with you but they don't

Anyway I'm going to bed now and I'm going to think about you
So maybe
I'll see you in Dreamland

Goodnight sweetheart πŸ’‹