Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Okay so this probably wasn't what I should have spent my time doing today and I mean today isn't over so I guess I still have time to work on the stuff I was supposed to do
But my head hurts really bad and I'm going to lay down again and it's possible that I will go to sleep and take a nap and if you knew how unusual it is for me to get back into bed and take a nap of any kind after I've already gotten up
I mean I might stay in bed all day
or I might sleep you know two and a half for three hours and then get up from work all day and in fact there's been plenty of times when I've gotten three hours of sleep for three and a half hours of sleep and I've then stayed up all night again so that I'm like three and a half hours of sleep on top of three and a half hours of sleep
But usually I don't go back to bed after I've gotten up during the day unless I'm sick
And I'm not saying I'm sick I'm not sick
My head really hurts

But I got my plan for next week for food
So I'm going to do high carbs on Monday Wednesday and Friday
I'm going to have to oatmeal for breakfast
But I'm not going to be putting raisins in it or butter or coconut oil or peanut butter or any of the many things that I might normally put into oatmeal because I don't want to have the sugar or the fat or the protein so what I'm going to do is put a lot of cinnamon in it
Now I love cinnamon
But cinnamon also has some real benefits in terms of blood sugar regulation for sure and maybe it's thermogenic a little bit not like super thermogenic but it is also I think a ton of fine herb

Autocorrect just kills me not a ton of fine herb
Rather tonifying herb
I guess if I spoke English it would be better
But I don't I speak Texan
so all my vowels are kind of attenuated and all my words kind of run together and the poor thing cannot keep up

Okay and for dinner on the high carb days I'm going to have brown rice with that coconut stuff bone broth which will have some protein but I think it'll be low enough to be okay and then a whole acorn squash
And that'll be plenty of carbs
It's probably not really enough fruits and vegetables
Normally with the extreme amount of raisins that I would put in the oatmeal it probably would be
And I thought about using apricots because they're low glycemic but I think what I'm going to do is just go with that and then take my chlorella and wheatgrass tablets and this will bump the protein up a little bit but it will definitely increase the quantity of greens
Which should dump my serving of fruits and vegetables up I mean it's probably not going to make it volume-wise enough but I think when you consider the nutrient density I think it'll balance out

And then on the low carb days
I'm getting avocado and tofu and eggs and I can have that in any combination that seems appealing on that particular day
And then have some of those things available to put on the salad that I have for dinner
Dinner will be fish
12 oz of fish is 300 calories and 63 grams of protein
And then I'm getting these bags out of things so they won't get all slimy and bad hopefully and they're made with "superfoods" brussel sprouts and kohlrabi and kale which does not sound particularly amazingly good to me so probably rather than having avocado in the morning probably I'm going to opt to have the avocado on the salad because that'll improve the taste of the salad quite a bit
Also I got some Paleo Caesar dressing which looks like it ought to be tasty and has a nutrient profile that works I mean it would be better to make my own salad dressing and I can do that but I did it when I was I guess I was still a teenager at that point I found this really great recipe and I can't remember exactly what I put in it but it was a salad dressing that had no oil in it at all although I guess that wouldn't need to be a no oil salad dressing and I think it was made with lemon juice and apple cider and garlic but you had to let it like age for a while or something so I don't know I may do that but I don't really want to buy a bunch of cider I could just use lemon and olive oil but I figured for the first week since I found something on imperfect that was within parameters and I would just be lazy and not try to make my own salad dressing
But maybe avocado or maybe tofu

And then maybe drink bone broth or have bone broth with one or the other of those things I don't know I think I checked the carbs and probably I could have that tasty bone broth but probably I would just stick to plain bone broth because it has no carbs and if I'm going to still have coffee with soy milk there's some carbs in that so I think really with the salad it's got about nine carbs

I don't really want to have bone broth with eggs in the morning because the idea of eating eggs with chicken broth seems kind of wrong and gross
But eggs are actually a really good thing to eat in the morning it boosts your energy and your endorphins are serotonin levels or I can't remember the exact chemistry of it but there's some reason why you feel better if you eat eggs in the morning
And tofu wouldn't be bad in eggs
Also tofu
This stuff that I ordered is a firmer tofu then what I would use for this but you can make a vegan eggs that's pretty good with tofu and nutritional yeast and they use something else might have been liquid aminos or soy sauce or something I don't remember but

Anyway I feel pretty good about the macros on these things

Now I'm going to put the phone down and close my eyes and I might fall asleep
I kind of think I was not enough and start to dream something while I was narrating this

I love you very much sweetheart πŸ’‹