Thursday, January 7, 2021

I was pretty disgraceful today

And I think the appropriate thing to do would be for pence in the cabinet or whoever to finally just go ahead and use the 25th amendment and remove him

I mean
He sent the rabble down
To do an insurrection
He's been trying to overthrow the government for a while now but this was a little bit more directly trying to overthrow it as in you know they weren't exactly Jack booted thugs they were more like dangerous idiots but he sent people with guns and they broke into the capital
People and property were injured
It's not appropriate to allow him to continue He's proven that he's
I mean a whole list of words
I mean really you should be arrested
Tried, repudiated
He's been a danger to the country the whole time because he's a Russian asset
And he thinks it's appropriate to conduct businesses though he's a mafia boss although I think he's pretty weak sauce as a mafia boss
But I mean if you can attempt to violent junta
And then when people say look you have to tell them to stop
What he does instead is tell them how special they are
He is clearly clearly not somebody that should be allowed to make any more decisions I mean I understand he shouldn't have been allowed to make many of the decisions that he's made impeaching him and removing him from office at that time
He's proven again and again that what he is doing is not American presidenting
He's corrupt
He's a lawbreaker
He's danger to himself and others
But he still got like 2 weeks
and it is not safe to allow him to continue he needs to be removed
so I'm hopeful that that's going to happen tomorrow but I don't know
I guess I feel like perhaps I'm hoping up a tree

And I didn't even really know all that stuff was going on today
Until I got home and started looking at what was going on

And something very exciting happened just now
My breasts have been really tender for like a few days and I was like well I wonder what's going on with that cuz I would think I was about to have my period but I think that's unlikely

And I've had some sort of hard to label feelings because they say that you are through menopause when you've had a year without having a period
And the last. I had I believe was in February of 2020
So I'm like well you know it's January so I'm probably done
but I just went to the bathroom and I've got some blood not a lot of blood but it wouldn't start off with a lot of blood anyway
So I'm having a period
Now I think it's unlikely that I'm going to have a bunch of them this year
in fact this might be the only one I have this year
But not technically through menopause until it's been a year full calendar year without a period
and now there's no way that that can happen until next year
And I find I am not displeased with that

Anyway I'm going to go sleep for a few hours I love you very much
Goodnight sweetheart πŸ’‹