Saturday, January 9, 2021

I fell asleep in the chair again
And I am almost out of battery

I love you sweetheart
I hope you're doing okay
Lots of very strange things I really hope
Did everything turns out okay
I'm pretty concerned about what might happen
And on the one hand I'm maintaining a positive attitude and a good mood and I know
there's a way in which this feels like it was all just you know pre-ordered we knew we had to hit rock bottom with the democracy so we could know that we had to fix it and that there wasn't going to be any way to get out of that
and I got to say even though in a way it doesn't surprise me at all
Somehow I was not expecting an armed insurrection in the Capitol building I was not expectingThe mag gets to be marching on the capital planning to hang Mike pence

But remember my reading said he's going to be made to see that he's lost
I just keep thinking about that and
I don't know
It's all pretty surreal last year was pretty surreal and this month this week man I mean man I don't know
And that's the kind of talking I'm capable of at this point
I would like to be curled up in front of a fire with you somewhere
And I would really really like to give you a hug

Sleep well sweetheart
I love you very much