Tuesday, January 12, 2021

I slept kind of late
I did have coffee
I did not go to the store and get cake
I did not have sushi
When I got up the cramping was a little worse and the bleeding was a little worse and I was like I don't want to go to the store
And I really didn't want cake
So I may be dying
Because I can't think of anytime ever that I haven't wanted cake

I did have steak and baked potato and peas

And then later I decided maybe I wanted something a little sweet but not super sweet and I had some rice cakes left so I took some I think about three rice cakes let me see yeah three rice cakes and I put some apricot jam on top
And that seemed to do it
I like apricot jam jelly preserve whatever I don't know it's bonne maman
And I bought it a while ago because I really like that brand of jam I think it's from FranceYes it says product of France I really like that brand of jam preserve whatever and I also like the the shape of the jar so periodically I buy one three fruits is my favorite I think but then it takes me forever to go through it because I don't like preserve jelly whatever on my toast cuz it's it's too sweet I don't like it I prefer toast with just butter on it or the vegan butter either one depends on what I have so I mean it takes me forever to use it up although I did put pretty good dent in it today

I watched WW84
And I got to say it was distracting to me because they did kind of a s***** job of their 1984 research
And it just kind of hit me off guard at the very beginning there's a mall and there's that brown and goldenrod I can't remember the name of the brown color I'm sure there was a name for it because it was like gold and rod and eggshell and avocado green and heart harvest gold but I don't remember the name of the brown but it's that same brown the '70s brown but by 1984 that stripe action would not have been anywhere except maybe a completely dead mall that had only one or two like a JC Penney's in a Sears as the anchor stores there's just no way that stripe would have lasted because by 1984 you know I mean they'd put in food courts and or at least the beginnings of food courts and everything had been updated malls had completely changed and nobody would have shopped in your place if you'd had that 70 stripe because it would have looked ridiculous
Now I realize now it looks hip
And I like it
I'm not complaining from an aesthetic point of view but it's just completely anachronistic
and then every single thing was just I mean it was just one wrong thing after another wrong thing after another wrong thing
And so I had to just let it go cuz it was irritating me a lot
But also I don't know I didn't really like it that much just as a movie
It was okay I guess
But I just did not care for it

But anyway I guess
I wanted to get some extra pillowcases
Because supposedly changing out your pillowcase everyday or so can help you not break out and I thought well you know s*** as long as I'm doing stuff
So I was looking for old pillow cases
and then I found those ones that are the same pattern as my bed sheets when I was a kid
And that was really cool
Those sheets I used to make faces out of them you know like when I'd be in the bed in the dark they were curtains that were that same pattern I think for something there was something that I could see from my bed so it wasn't the sheets but if it was curtains that didn't make it to the second location or they didn't make it up at the second location I don't know
But I can remember in the dark though somehow morphing into faces eyes and stuff and being kind of scary but then when the lights are on they were kind of pretty
I'm sure there's a lot of the ensuing time that I would not have thought they were pretty but I like them again I don't remember what brand they were or anything it's an odd color combination

but I've been in a really good mood even though I didn't really do anything too exciting I didn't go to a coffee shop
But I just feel good
want me to have a headache and have cramping and whatever but my mood is good
And that's important thing

Tomorrow I think I'll be back at the studio but today I'm working from home and I really do have some things I need to do but I don't know how hard I'm going to work today
I think I'm going to go to sleep for a while now

I love you very much sweetheart πŸ’‹