Friday, January 8, 2021

Well I was falling asleep in the chair actually I think I was just asleep for about 15 minutes sitting upright
Not doing a very good job of talking

so I'm going to real quick tell you two memories that I had that are sort of tangentially related I think to the events going on now

okay so the guy I used to work with who I know I've told you about before his name is Damien it turned out we were both watching I think it was called Penny dreadful sort of a monster story using literary figures taken with a lot of artistic license

It's got Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein and Dorian Gray and a werewolf guy and a clairvoyant which type woman and it's all set in Victorian England

so since it turned out we were both watching it we were talking about it and he really liked the main character and she was okay I liked her too and he was talking about how much more freeing everything was in Victorian England and I'm like yeah no not so much it's a TV show and they're taking a lot of liberties but everything was very very locked down now there was plenty of you know fetishism and sex and everything going on but it wasn't real out in the open
but he was behaving as though he thought everything he was watching on the TV was you know factual and not anachronistic which I thought was kind of funny because I thought everybody knew all about Victorian England and how stuffy and what it was

And then when the person who it turned out she was going to be the bride Frankenstein character but at first you didn't know that she was a prostitute I think and she had and she had consumption and you know she was I thought a very interesting character I was a lot more interested in that character than the main character really well you know she said something that was pretty vague but I knew that it was foreshadowing and that it was going to turn out that she had had a kid who got killed or died in some way related to her having been unable to take care of it because of being a woman alone in a prostitute and all that kind of stuff I just knew that was going to happen because there was she said something she didn't mention a kid but I just knew right
and he was talking about her and he was saying he was a few episodes ahead of me I guess and he was like something is about to happen that's just going to open your heart up to her and I'm like I already really like her and he looked at me like I was crazy because I think he thought she was just like a b**** or something
But the fact that that had happened to her I mean I don't think it would have changed how I felt about her as a character it's hard for me to know though because I already kind of knew it because I mean when you're writing a story you've got characters and they serve different functions and when you've got a TV show they're typically not real three-dimensional they're you know and these were specifically based on you know literary works of the Victorian period so I mean they weren't exactly stereotypes but they were archetypes you know but I mean all of that was completely lost on him I guess and in fairness I think that I am a lot better able to tell what is going to happen in TV shows typically now not always sometimes they surprise me and I'm always really happy and excited when they do because mostly I can say okay well here's what's going to happen next here's what's going to happen next cuz I just I know based on the structure and stuff
So that all went along and I was a little surprised that she turned out to be the bride of Frankenstein because I don't believe she had interacted with Frankenstein at all so it was kind of random chance that he found her after she died of consumption so that was a little bit of a surprise because I didn't realize that she was going to be that I thought she was fulfilling these other roles which in fact she was and then she went on to fulfill some other roles but I thought she was really interesting because she was having none of it she was like okay you brought me back to life and I can't be killed That's great so you can f*** right off cuz I don't have any interest in you and she went about her business and you know we didn't have any right to reanimate her corpse anyway so I didn't feel that bad for him and he had been trying to make her for the Frankenstein monster who was not a monster at all he was really great guy but he wanted to go back to his wife cuz he remembered who his wife was and he was afraid to because he was afraid she would think he was a monster and so Frankenstein was making a new wife for her which of course you know isn't how it works you know you have emotions for specific people some randomly created person isn't going to fulfill that need you know

Anyway none of that is relative relevant to the point that I'm making so then he finished the show and I think I actually finished it before he did or at least I had already seen the end of it when he was upset about it
And I had actually you know as I'm watching the ending I'm like well yeah okay That's a shame at all but you know houses are going to end they've got it written into a corner that's pretty much the only way it can in if anything else would be like a deus ex machina right and although they could certainly do a deus ex machina
That would have pissed me off
But so basically this character that he was in love with he just thought she was awesome right she dies and he could not forgive them because they killed her off but I mean it seemed evident that she was marked for death from the beginning in one way or another and in the way that it ended she was able to defeat Satan so she didn't have to become his bride she didn't get to become the bride of the man she was in love with and he had to kill her and it was all written in such a way that he was the only person who could kill her and you know they had really written themselves into a corner so that it was all perfect but it was really the only way it could go so it wasn't much of a surprise for me and it was just kind of like yeah well of course but he did not see it coming
I don't know how he didn't see it coming but he didn't see it coming and he was very very upset and he felt like he had basically wasted his time he didn't enjoy it anymore at all he felt betrayed by the show

And then the other memory
There was a woman I was working with she you know seemed to be pretty smart more like you know not like intellectual smart but like you know she understood people and she understood situations and she you know seemed like she had a pretty good grasp of the world and the way it worked and then one day she said did you hear that Greek and Roman mythology was just invented by some college professor and that it's all fake
And I'm like no that's not right
And she's like yeah it is
And I'm like no it's it's not
And she's like yeah I read this whole article about it and I'm like okay so what college professor at which college is supposed to have done this and she's like I don't remember
And I'm like okay and what new source did you get this information from and she's like oh I don't remember
and I'm like what was it something you were very familiar with that you thought was a reputable news source and she's like I don't know I don't remember what it was called
And I'm like but you're sure that this was all right
She's like yeah absolutely
And I'm like could perhaps the name of the new source that you got this from have been the onion

And she's like yes that was it
So not only did she read something from a news source that she didn't recognize or know what it was she was so sure that it was right based on having read this that she was going to argue with me about it because it was absolutely true even though it was just no way that's true
But then when I asked her if it was the onion and she said yes
She didn't know that the onion is you know like a parody
Now I'll grant you that they sometimes say things that sound like they could be true I mean they're a good publication
After Trump was elected there was a thing that I read somewhere that said that you know overnight Canada had erected a privacy hedge and I'm like okay I'm sure that's not right but it's too good so I have to find out who said that and I traced it back and it was the onion
I wanted that one to be true
But I was just appalled

I'm going to go to sleep now for a little while
I've been having cramps all day but there has not been a lot of blood
and I dug around and found something chocolate because I had need of medicinal chocolate πŸ«πŸ«•
Those emojis came up on my phone but it looks like an ice cream sandwich that's Neapolitan and a barbecue grill to me I think it must not be that though I think that barbecue grill must be a fondue pot but it does not look much like a fondue pot and maybe the other thing is supposed to be a wrapped up chocolate I don't know

I love you very much sweetheart