Sunday, January 17, 2021

So there's you know like a whole montage of stuff they did to become friends with all the people in the community and contests and singing and dancing and group drunken bacchanalia and I don't remember I don't remember the details of any of that

But then it gets down to a very strange thing where they're basically naked except with you know maybe like Speedo and or something I guess they can be in whatever state of nakedness they want to be to start with and then they take these they do some kind of body printing to come up with the things that are going to be the coverings
and I mean it had this kind of feeling of having been like a 3D printed thing but it wasn't 3D printed it was just printed on paper I think or fabric these kind of outfits and they were like dipped in some kind of a stiffening agent I kind of want to say it was like a glue like paste like flour and water or something something that wouldn't hurt your skin even on fragile parts of your skin that would make it stick to you but it would come off really easily
And then they were it wasn't strip poker because it wasn't poker but it was something like that where you know every time something happened one of these little tiny strips would get pulled off so you were still clothed but there'd be like a little strip that people could see of your skin and progressively they would be more and more of them until you were completely naked

And there was a guy who just kind of showed up that nobody knew but he wanted to participate and they were like well okay whatever
He got his outfit and he seemed to be on something like kind of drugged up
And he was hitting on
I don't really remember the exact details
I'm not sure if she was a trans woman
Or if she was I don't know
And I'm not sure exactly how much she knew him
The initial assessment I think was that she did
But then it seems like maybe she didn't
Things were very complicated
And it seemed like maybe he thought that she was a prostitute or possibly a spy
and he started spouting all kind of like conspiracy theories and becoming really threatening
It seemed like he didn't know where he was or what was going on but that possibly he had
Some kind of communication with people that had bombs
And that put like a real damper on things
And made the whole thing become in the context of that this was like post-apocalyptic
Or maybe peri-apocalyptic

And in other sections there had been a man and a woman who were trying to get medical attention for the woman's mother
And the hospitals were all full and there was no place you could take someone to get medical attention except that hotels had medical facilities for people who were traveling from other countries because it was a requirement
There's some international conditions
And so they were trying to figure out a way that they could go to a hotel with her mother
And convince the hotel to admit her mother into their medical facility
whether they would need to check into the hotel or just show up at the hotel or whether any of that would be a workable scenario
And they were figuring that there were two arguments that were possible
To kind of soften the hospital's resolve to not let them check the mother into the medical facility
One was science and rational based
The other was religious based
And they were trying to find a cross
To wear as a necklace in case they needed to strengthen the religious case

And then there was something also about things being made out of different materials
There were the high quality materials
and then there was very low quality material that was useless but might look okay
And then there was this like mid-grade material that had been developed You could get things that were like plaster and paste and things that might stand up to something but that weren't what it really should be made out of but it had this certain look to it
And there was a whole discussion about the aesthetics of this new material
And how it had like its own thing going that was kind of cool and
Fit in with the look of this new era
and I mean it was a very kind of artistic aesthetic conversation about something that was kind of defining the moment in time or what do you know more about that world somehow

And I'm confident that was more but that's all I can remember