Tuesday, January 26, 2021

I hope you're doing well
I have had a headache all day
And I was going to the studio
But then my mother called me and said not to go because she was staying home to I don't know monitor the market or something
So I was trying to work on the computer
And there's like a front coming or something I mean it was cold and then it got hot again
There's another front coming through
And I was just having a hard time concentrating so I ended up going to take a nap
well I wasn't really going to take a nap I was just going to lay down for a few minutes and meditate
But I knew there was a possibility that I was going to take a nap because I didn't have a lot of sleep

I mean I never have a lot of sleep well no that's not true either it's like no sleep or bunch of sleep or just a little bit of sleep
whatever I've talked about that before it's not important but I fell asleep
And then I woke up and I thought I had checked everything but I guess I hadn't checked Facebook

And then I made food and ate
And I was watching a show
I a while ago started watching the office
Which is another show that I never watched
I had watched I think one or two episodes of the original British one and I really don't like that guy gervais I don't like him I don't think he's funny he irritates me he rubs me the wrong way in fact I wouldn't watch anything with him in it until I watched I don't remember what it's called something where he was working for a newspaper in a small town in Britain and his wife had died and he was trying to get over it and I don't remember why I watched that but he was so good in that so now I can't say I don't like him because I liked him in that

But anyway that one or two episodes of that show the original British show I didn't like it and I just didn't want to watch it but I don't know something made me watch it I guess I was trying to
well I guess I heard enough about it that I decided it was like a cultural thing and there's tons of memes and whatever so I just broke down and I watched some of it I have not finished the series but I have watched several seasons

But I really like the actor who plays Jim and I wanted to see if he was in something else and it turns out he's in like the reboot of the Tom Clancy so I was like okay well you know let me watch that and sometimes I like spy stuff and sometimes I don't you know but I'm I'm really liking it

So anyway I was kind of engrossed in that and then I finished eating in the episode ended and I was like oh I should check and see if there's anything anywhere because you know I try to monitor stuff and so that was how I ended up missing it or most of it

I have an idea
For a diet protocol
It's based on the concept of metabolic confusion
And maybe intermittent fasting
I think intermittent fasting is going to be a pain in the ass so I'm not completely sold on that idea but I do believe that it works and I think it might be really powerful when mixed in with the metabolic confusion because what the intermittent fasting does as I understand it is kind of make your metabolism pay more attention
And function at higher efficiency

And what the metabolic confusion does
And I'm sorry if you already know everything about this I don't mean to be pedantic
Is basically
I always thought I was a mesomorph because of the way that I put on muscle
But there are some ways in which I think I'm more endomorphic especially as I've gotten older
Basically the idea is your metabolism is really really efficient at conserving fuel and so if you diet then your body very quickly readjust to whatever your new level is and you stop losing weight
and actually I believe I have experience to that anytime that I've gone on diet in the past which is why I mostly wasn't all that interested in them because yeah you lose weight but then everything plateaus and you stop losing weight and then if you say well hell with it I'll just stop dieting if I'm not going to lose weight and you gain weight because your body has reset to the new lower levels

And I saw one of those they're like internet infomercials like it'll be an ad at the beginning or end of a video and it's you know I just want to tell you about this life-changing thing you know and there's a whole bunch of them with doctors and people and you know they've all got a schtick that they're doing
There's some truth to all of them
But I'm not going to buy their thing
But this guy he's a personal trainer and he had a story and it was pretty compelling and then he was talking about things and whereas with most of these doctors they're talking about things that I don't know anything about so I don't have any way to know whether they're telling the truth or not some of the stuff he was talking about I had some personal experience with so I was like okay well you know this guy seems to know what he's talking about and everything but I still don't want to do his system
Even though I mean it wasn't an unreasonably priced program but I just don't want to
And I kind of don't buy any of those things on principle I don't know I just have a problem with their format somehow it's just one of my quirks

But you know I had been kind of thinking of different eating things I can do
And I did that liver detox for a while and then I stopped it cuz you're not supposed to do it continuously that's when I stopped wanting sugar and so I was like okay well you know let's lean into this so I was trying to think of things to do and I could do the chlorella and wheatgrass tablets I had good luck with that before but although it may sound counterintuitive it's harder to do stuff like that if you have a lot of time when you're not kind of running around you know

I mean if I'm running around lifting boxes and doing things then you know I'm going to get hungry at some point sure but I'm not going to be thinking about it and so you know I might get hungry I might not get hungry I might just you know whatever I don't know for me if I'm doing stuff like that where I can't stop you know I've only got a certain amount of breaks and I have the capacity to eat on that one limited break and so I just take my pills or whatever and so then I ate and then I move on well that's a little different scenario than if I'm working at the computer you know 15 ft from the kitchen
Or whatever I just am not sure that that is what I want to do go on a skipping meals thing seems like I'm not getting enough exercise to go on a skipping meals thing you know I mean you have to be kind of active I think for that to work otherwise your body just goes into you know hibernation mode or something

And I know that you might say well just get more exercise but I'm not going to do that I could pretend like I'm going to do it but I'm not going to so I don't think it's good to build a plan around something you know you're not going to do

And what this guy was talking about there were two factors that he brought up that I actually did know something about but I hadn't really thought about them in conjunction with one another and I didn't know what they were called so that made it harder to get more information on them if I had thought of them together

One was the metabolic confusion
The other was EPOC where you do short intense exercise sessions basically that are designed to get you to that point where you're like out of breath which shouldn't be all that hard because I haven't done anything for almost a year but the idea is just to like you know 10 minutes of exercise or something but really hard and I thought you know well I've got some dance I could do I don't need his exercises I've got plenty of exercises I made a whole playlist of exercises at the beginning of the pandemic that I was going to do every day and didn't do ever because the fun part is making the plan and then actually doing the plan is less fun but I've got stuff I can do right

And he says that you only need to do 10 minutes three times a week I don't actually think that's accurate but you know it's an experiment so I can find out right

So the idea is that you change it up
High carb day
Low-carb day
High carb day
Low carb day

So the high carb days make your body think oh we don't need to shut anything down there's plenty of food
And then the low carb days are no carb days you do your high intensity exercise I think on those days and so then that makes your body switch over to ketosis so you burn your fat stores
But then before your body can decide oh hold the phone we're in some kind of starvation situation here
You switch back over to a high carb day
And my thinking was
You know typically the no-carb days contain a lot of fats and you need to take fats in order to break down the fat sure I get it and if you're in ketosis sure whatever but
I kind of want to mix that up somehow
I don't really want all of the no carb days to be high calorie days so I'm trying to I need to do a little more research on how much fat exactly you need to make this process happen
Because I was thinking that if I could maximize nutrients maybe I could keep those days lower calorie but still have them be high enough in the nutrients and stuff to make the process work

And initially I was thinking you know just do bone broth all day but that's very low calorie but again I have fat stores but there's some amount of fat that you need to get that process kicked off

And so I'm wondering if you could do like a high carb day
With like oatmeal for breakfast and brown rice for dinner and I don't really know what for lunch but like not fruit and you know things that will have natural sugar because although I like fruit
I think my body is sensitive to it and you know I mean I'm the only person I know who went on a raw food diet for like 3 months and didn't lose any weight right

But I'm thinking like
Maybe if you do intermittent fasting and then you break your fast with you know multiple avocados or something I don't know how many carbs avocados have they've got some so maybe you would have to do like an avocado and eggs or something I don't know but something where you got a lot of the nutrients that would kick off that kind of process and then the rest of the day whatever part of the day you were eating in you had bone broth I don't know I need to do more research

Also I've got admit I'm kind of bored with food so this gives me something to get me back interested in it
And also my horoscope for February
Got a lot of stuff that sounded kind of sketchy so I didn't like it but one of the things that it said that kind of resonated was that a focus on health would be a good idea and I'm like well you know that's probably always true but it just seems more true right now

So I don't know
Do you ever do stuff like that
Of course I'm not wanting to spend a bunch of money on this
And I could see how I could really go overboard
But I was really missing brown rice cuz I hadn't been eating brown rice I had been eating vegetables but I had been focusing more on potatoes cuz you know comfort food
but then I was like me and you know brown rice is comfort food for me too and I'm sick of potatoes
So I got this seaweed I don't remember if I told you about that or not
And I had the brown rice with the seaweed for I don't know a week week and a half something like that and it was good but it doesn't seem like it was a big enough serving of seaweed but it was as much seaweed as I was one seaweed's pretty strong

And then in the imperfect box they had this it's not tie it's the lady who makes this brand is from Singapore but it's very similar to a tie broth it's got coconut milk and chicken bone broth and lemongrass and some other spice lime juice maybe a little garlic I think that's it but there might be a little something else and they come in these bladders and so I was like well that sounds delicious and I didn't I was kind of toying with this with the idea of doing a bone broth fast this is before I heard that guy's thing that was like I think last night I heard that and that just kind of helped congeal my direction but I was like well you know I'm just going to cook this in the rice rather than having rice with seaweed cuz I was getting a little tired of seaweed to be honest with you and so I cooked the rice in that and it was like so so delicious so delicious

And I love brown rice I know you probably don't like brown rice cuz most people don't like brown rice I didn't originally like brown rice but when I learned to like brown rice now I love brown rice and that was just so good and it's not like super high calorie but it's not low calorie and brown rice is pretty high carbs but they're complex carbs but still

And you couldn't have this broth on the bone broth days cuz it's got coconut milk in it so I'm sure it's got too many carbs maybe not though I'm uncertain The coconut milk I don't know I I know it's got a lot of fat but I think it's got I think it's got carbs too I swear I thought I looked at the container but I think maybe I just looked at it for how much protein it had

So what I need to know for this system to work I think on the carb days you can't have more than 10% of your calories come from fat and you can't have more than 10% of your calories come from protein and pretty sure that's right I mean maybe it's better if you don't have either one of them but I think you can't have more come from that
And I was just thinking you know I could make rice with that broth and you know I'm for some reason right now I've been eating lots of you know broccoli and brussel sprouts and greens but for some reason now I'm all about the acorn squash and the butternut squash
So like that rice and an acorn squash baked and that's dinner

Anyway I don't have it all worked out
But that's like what I'm thinking about
So anyway
Now it's been a long time this is probably a super long post
I'm going to go to bed

I love you very much sweetheart πŸ’‹