Sunday, January 10, 2021

I slept very late today
It's a consequently I'm also up very late
I'm never going to get this back on track
I shared that one thing
But then I just made it visible to me
Because I figured
What I'm mostly doing with my pages posting things my mother wants me to post
And there's no point in agitating
People who might not
Or might dislike Michael Moore
I have every reason to believe that probably a full half of the people that are my Facebook "friends"voted for Trump at least the first time
So now it's only there for me
and when I did that reading the other day it said everything was going to be good I wasn't asking about politics I don't think I think I was just asking it about me or us I might be wrong I don't really remember what I asked

I had an interesting skin care experience
A while back I ordered some aloe gel
I had had some but it was kind of old and I wasn't sure and I don't remember now why I needed it but I felt like I needed it
And when I ordered it
it just seemed like it had a really good ingredient deck cuz it had the a low and it didn't have any alcohol and that's harder to get than you would think but anytime I need to be putting aloe on my skin I need it not to have alcohol in it
Then it also had Manuka honey
And it had apple and orchids stem cells
And I don't know whether I think
The plant stem cells really do all that much for your skin I mean they don't hurt it and I think they're moisturizing but it's not like they function as stem cells for humans
But I thought it was really good
but I was just using it like if I had an irritation or a problem I wasn't using it like as an everyday thing
But then I remembered that that time that I had used the cleansing oil and massage my face and gotten all the blackheads out of it I had put that on with the acids
And although I have gotten the reaction where the blackheads all came out never as good as that first time
And so for about a week or so I've been using it as a serum light moisturizer I mean I put like an oil for something over it but I've been using it on my skin and I've been liking it I feel like it's been kind of bringing stuff out which of course makes me pick it more
And when I use the noxzema which I've been doing most days as kind of a mask because I've been having more stuff coming up and in fact it's been like I could almost feel the stuff coming up in my face which of course now I know was period. BecauseI've had that reaction before where I could just like feel stuff coming up out of my face
I put the noxzema on and I leave it on for a long time and that kind of helps dry up whatever's going on but for some reason it also makes me pick my face more
I've been using retinol at night not not every night but more frequently than I was
And I was like you know I should really put on some kind of a cream over the top of the retinol after it's all sunk in and stuff so that I get more moisture
And then I don't know I don't remember but I looked it up I guess I guess I said hey this stuff is really good oh when I was looking for a cream that had MSM in it also
And the people that make this aloe
They also have some other products
And one of them is a face and body cream
So I looked at it and it's you know a good value and it's got good ingredients it's got Halo I think it's the main ingredient yeah it doesn't even start off with water it's got Halo and it's got emulsifying wax and caprylic triglyceride glycerol and then Manuka honey and it's got other stuff MSM is close to the bottom it also has gluconolactone
Which is a PHA and I have to be really careful about acids but I mean it's way down at the bottom of the list right before phenoxyethanol and ethylhexylglycerin and phenoxyethanol can't be more than 1% and it doesn't have to be as high as 1%. So if it's way down there then my guess is that it's a pretty low percentage of gluconolactone
But I might not be able to use it everyday cuz my face responds weirdly to acid but that's a very mild acid
Anyway I didn't order it right away
But then I got a notification and it was 25% off
So I just went ahead and got it
Cuz it was like $20 for 4 oz to begin with so I mean you know
I got it today
And I put it on and it's it's pretty thick I mean it's
Not as thick as it seems like at first but it's pretty thick
But then I decided to mix it with the aloe gel
And it's really good
So I'm very excited

Just doesn't take that much

When I was in bed earlier
I had alarms going off and stuff and I just didn't want to get up
I was visualizing
But I wasn't exactly cuz I kept falling asleep
But I kept telling myself
The most important thing is just maintain a positive vibration
and I just felt like the best way to do that was to stay in bed
Because I wasn't worried about anything
And I wasn't stressed about anything
I was having interesting and not bad dreams
But I don't really remember about what

Anyway I'm going to sleep now
Hopefully not for too long
I love you very much
I'm really grateful that I met you
And then I've managed not sure exactly
To maintain the connection with you
Because it's kind of remarkable

Goodnight sweetheart
I love you very much πŸ’‹